Private health insurance is definitely one of those things that can take a seriously gigantic bite out of your monthly budget! Especially if you are also looking for additional benefits, such as vision and dental. Obviously when it comes to our health we all want the best coverage that we can find, but at what cost?
We received the following question from one of our amazing readers:
Currently 3 out of 5 of us in my family have contacts and boy do they add up! ?My husband suggested looking for some type of stand alone insurance for dental and vision. ?His thinking is paying a monthy premium may be better than paying out right for contacts, exams, etc.? Just for a point of comparision we went to Sam?s this year because they had the cheapest eye exam?s ($59) but for all three of us to get exams and contacts it is just shy of $600 for the year . . .a current pair of RX glasses would have been nice but not in the budget.
What are some of the best options that you have found for private heath insurance, especially vision and dental plans? Head down to the comment section and share your thoughts with all of us!
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