Friday, December 21, 2012

Brainiac Conspiracy: Business Ethics

One of our dirty little secrets is, they're mutually exclusive terms:

I can?t help but wonder whether there wasn?t some financial type who, on writing that, didn?t think, okay, this is kind of fucked up. Should we be concerned that the presidential campaign is driving handgun and rifle sales?

Whoever wrote it, he was one of those "chaos breeds opportunity" guys who sees potential profits to be made from deliberately marketing hysteria to a low-information buyer demographic. And people like this in the business community aren't outliers---in fact, they're the respectable people who are driving our current policy debate over taxes and spending in Washington. They're pushing a different product, true, but the marketing campaign employs an identical pitch.

---Baron V


Jessica Ennis Oscar Pistorius Aliya Mustafina Kirk Urso London 2012 Javelin roger federer Olga Korbut

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