Friday, November 30, 2012

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Robotic equivalent of a Swiss army knife: Reconfigurable robot a step toward something that can become almost anything

ScienceDaily (Nov. 30, 2012) ? The device doesn't look like much: a caterpillar-sized assembly of metal rings and strips resembling something you might find buried in a home-workshop drawer. But the technology behind it, and the long-range possibilities it represents, are quite remarkable.

The little device is called a milli-motein -- a name melding its millimeter-sized components and a motorized design inspired by proteins, which naturally fold themselves into incredibly complex shapes. This minuscule robot may be a harbinger of future devices that could fold themselves up into almost any shape imaginable.

The device was conceived by Neil Gershenfeld, head of MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms, visiting scientist Ara Knaian and graduate student Kenneth Cheung, and is described in a paper presented recently at the 2012 Intelligent Robots and Systems conference. Its key feature, Gershenfeld says: "It's effectively a one-dimensional robot that can be made in a continuous strip, without conventionally moving parts, and then folded into arbitrary shapes."

To build the world's smallest chain robot, the team had to invent an entirely new kind of motor: not only small and strong, but also able to hold its position firmly even with power switched off. The researchers met these needs with a new system called an electropermanent motor.

The motor is similar in principle to the giant electromagnets used in scrapyards to lift cars, in which a powerful permanent magnet (one that, like an ordinary bar magnet, requires no power) is paired with a weaker magnet (one whose magnetic field direction can be flipped by an electric current in a coil). The two magnets are designed so that their fields either add or cancel, depending on which way the switchable field points. Thus, the force of the powerful magnet can be turned off at will -- such as to release a suspended car -- without having to power an enormous electromagnet the whole time.

In this new miniature version, a series of permanent magnets paired with electromagnets are arranged in a circle; they drive a steel ring that's situated around them. The key innovation, Knaian explains, is that "they do not take power in either the on or the off state, but only use power in the changing state," using minimal energy overall.

The milli-motein concept follows up on a paper, published last year, which examined the theoretical possibility of assembling any desired 3-D shape simply by folding a long string of identical subunits. That paper, co-authored by Cheung, MIT professor Erik Demaine, alumnus Saul Griffith, and former Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory research scientist Jonathan Bachrach, proved mathematically that it was possible for any 3-D shape to be reproduced by folding a sufficiently long string -- and that it's possible to figure out how to fold such a string, and the exact steps needed to successfully reach the desired endpoint.

"We showed that you could make such a universal system that's very simple," Cheung says. While he and his colleagues have not yet proved a way of always finding the optimal path to a given folded shape, they did find several useful strategies for arriving at practical folding sequences.

Demaine points out that the folding of the shape doesn't have to be sequential, moving along the string one joint at a time. "Ideally, you'd like to do it all at once," he says, with each of the joints folding themselves to the desired configuration simultaneously so that the loads are distributed.

Other researchers, including some at MIT, have explored the idea of fashioning reconfigurable robots from a batch of separate pieces that could self-assemble into different configurations -- an approach sometimes called "programmable pebbles." But Gershenfeld's team found that a string of subunits capable of folding itself into any shape could be simpler in terms of control, power and communications than using separate pieces that must find each other and assemble in the right order. "You can just pass signals down the chain," Knaian says.

It's part of an overall approach, Gershenfeld explains, to "turning data into things." In an article in the current issue of the magazine Foreign Affairs, he describes a technology roadmap for accomplishing that, and its policy implications. He and his colleagues have established a global network of more than 100 "fab labs" that provide community access to computer-controlled fabrication tools. Today, the design information is contained in an external computer rather than in the materials being manufactured, but the research goal is to digitize the materials themselves so that they can ultimately change their own shape, as the milli-motein does.

Hod Lipson, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and computing and information science at Cornell University, says, "This result brings us closer to the idea of programmable matter -- where computer programs and materials merge to form a new kind of matter whose shape and function can be programmed -- not unlike biology. Many people are excited today to learn about 3-D printing and its ability to fabricate any shape; Gershenfeld's group is already thinking about the next episode, where we don't just control the shape of objects, but also their behavior."

The milli-motein is part of a family of such devices being explored at size scales ranging from protein-based "nanoassemblers" to a version where the chain is as big as a person, Gershenfeld says. Ultimately, a reconfigurable robot should be "small, cheap, durable and strong," Knaian says, adding that right now, "it's not possible to get all of those." Still, he points out, "Biology is the existence proof that it is possible."

The MIT researchers' work could lead to robotic systems that can be dynamically reconfigured to do many different jobs rather than repeating a fixed function, and that can be produced much more cheaply than conventional robotics.

The development of the milli-motein was supported by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Maximum Mobility and Manipulation and Programmable Matter projects.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The original article was written by David L. Chandler.

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Brad Pitt Opens Up About 'Killing Them Softly' -- And Those Chanel Ad Jokes

While it's marketed as a crime thriller, there is serious social commentary in the actor's latest film.
By Kevin P. Sullivan, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Brad Pitt
Photo: MTV News


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Scientists develop new approach to support future climate projections

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Scientists have developed a new approach for evaluating past climate sensitivity data to help improve comparison with estimates of long-term climate projections developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The sensitivity of global temperature to changes in the Earth's radiation balance (climate sensitivity) is a key factor for understanding past natural climate changes as well as potential future climate change.

Many palaeoclimate studies have measured natural climate changes to calculate climate sensitivity, but a lack of consistent methodologies produced a wide range of estimates as to the exact value of climate sensitivity, which hindered results.

Now a team of international scientists including Eelco Rohling, Professor of Ocean and Climate Change at the University of Southampton, have developed a more consistent definition of climate sensitivity in prehistoric times. When the scientists evaluated previously published estimates for climate sensitivity from a variety of geological episodes over the past 65 million years, they found that the estimates varied over a very wide range of values, with some very high values among them (high values would imply a very strong temperature response to a change in radiative forcing, for example, due to CO2 increase).

The team discovered that this wide range was almost entirely due to the fact that different researchers used different definitions.

Professor Rohling, who is currently based at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton but will join the Australian National University next year, says: "Consistent intercomparison is a top priority, because it is central to using past climate sensitivity estimates in assessing the credibility of future climate projections.

"Once we had developed the framework and we had elaborated all the different assumptions and uncertainties, we applied it to climate reconstruction data from the last 65 million years. This caused a much narrower range of estimates, and this range was now defined in such a way that we could directly compare it with estimates in the IPCC assessment for their longer-term (several centuries) outlook."

The scientists found that the likely range of climate sensitivity consistently has been of the order of 2.2 to 4.8 degrees C per doubling of CO2, which closely agrees with the IPCC estimates.

Professor Rohling adds: "Our study only documents what the climate sensitivity has been over the last 65 million years, and how realistic the estimates of the IPCC are in that context. It finds that those estimates are fully coherent with what nature has done in the (natural) past before human-based effects. Hence, it strongly endorses the IPCC's long-term climate projections based on such values: nature shows us it always has, and so likely will again, respond in a way close to what the models suggest, as far as warming is concerned."


The research stems from a three-day Academy Colloquium attended by about 40 internationally renowned specialists in past and present climate studies, held at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam last year.

The findings are published in the latest edition of the journal Nature.

University of Southampton:

Thanks to University of Southampton for this article.

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Did your relationship with your in-laws affect your marriage ...

Some people in Ohio are lucky enough to have in-laws whom they get along with very well. On the other hand, other people dislike their in-laws, finding them a source of stress and frustration. Surprisingly, a new study suggests that women in the latter category could be less likely to go through divorce.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan, found that?women who get along well with their in-laws appear to be 20 percent more likely to go through divorce than women who don't get along with their in-laws.

The researchers found that the opposite appeared to be true among men. Husbands who get along well with their in-laws appear to be 20 percent less likely to go through divorce than married men who don't get along with their in-laws.

The researchers determined that women who get along well with their in-laws often become too involved with their husband's family, to the point where the wives end up feeling that the in-laws are meddling in the marriage. This, in turn, puts strain on the marriage, which can contribute to the likelihood of getting divorced.

The researchers concluded that men are less likely to be put off by in-laws who "meddle." The psychologist and research professor who led the study said that the results suggest that men who form close relationships with their wives' families end up strengthening the marital bond.

On the other hand, the psychologist and research professor said that women should be wary of sharing too much information about their marriages with their in-laws. He said women often take it much more personally when in-laws weigh in on their marriage or parenting, which can cause conflict.

What are your thoughts on this study? Did your relationship with your in-laws affect your marriage?

Source: Business Insider, "Getting Along With The In-Laws Makes Women More Likely To Divorce," Alice Philipson, Nov. 28, 2012


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bankruptcy Court Warns on WARN

Judge Martin Glenn of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York recently dismissed a putative class action complaint filed on behalf of former employees of MF Global that alleged the chapter 11 trustee for MF Global Holdings Ltd. and certain of its subsidiaries and the SIPA trustee for MF Global Inc. failed to provide sufficient notice under the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (the ?WARN Act?) and the New York version of the WARN Act prior to terminating such employees.? In its memorandum opinion and order, the bankruptcy court considered whether the SIPA trustee and chapter 11 trustee were ?employers? for purposes of the WARN Act and the NY WARN Act or ?liquidating fiduciaries? who are excepted from the obligation to comply with advance notice requirements under the WARN statutes, in which case the actions of the trustees would be protected.

On October 31, 2011, pursuant to the Securities Investor Protection Act, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York entered the order commencing the liquidation of MF Global Inc., the U.S. broker-dealer arm of the MF Global enterprise, and appointed James W. Giddens as the SIPA trustee.? (Under SIPA section 78eee, upon the grant by the district court of the ?protective decree? and the appointment of the SIPA trustee, the liquidation proceeding is removed to the bankruptcy court.)? SIPA section 78fff(a), among other things, requires a SIPA trustee to liquidate the broker-dealer business.? That same day, the broker-dealer?s parent company, MF Global Holdings Ltd., and its affiliated financing company, MF Global Finance USA Inc., filed voluntary chapter 11 petitions.? Approximately two weeks later, on November 11, 2011, the putative class members were dismissed from their employment.? On November 21, 2011, the debtors and the statutory creditors? committee filed a joint emergency motion seeking the appointment of a chapter 11 trustee, which the court granted a week later.

The only purpose of the SIPA proceeding for the MF broker-dealer (which employed the bulk of the terminated MF employees) could be liquidation.? The stated purpose of the chapter 11 filings, however, was less clear. ?Although the first day affidavit and the statements at the first day hearing indicated that the MF Global chapter 11 cases were filed with the hope of reorganizing, these statements conflicted with those made in the emergency motion seeking the appointment of a chapter 11 trustee ?to reorganize and/or liquidate the [d]ebtors? assets for the benefit of the . . . estates,? which also stated that ?[t]he primary objective for the duration of the chapter 11 cases is the orderly wind-down of the [d]ebtors? various assets.?? The bankruptcy court observed, ?With the appointment of the Chapter 11 Trustee on November 28, 2011, it became clear that the only possible outcome for the chapter 11 [d]ebtors was liquidation.? But between October 31, 2011 and November 22, 2011, there is nothing in the record to establish that the chapter 11 [d]ebtors intended to liquidate.?

Having established the differing original objectives of the SIPA proceeding and the chapter 11 cases, Judge Glenn then considered whether the trustees were ?employers? for the purposes of the WARN statutes.? Both trustees relied upon the preamble to the explanatory WARN Act Regulations issued by the Secretary of the Department of Labor to exclude themselves from the definition of ?employer.?? As a matter of law, the bankruptcy court concluded that the MF broker-dealer was liquidating when the layoffs occurred because the SIPA trustee was empowered by law only to liquidate the business, and as such, the SIPA trustee was a ?liquidating fiduciary? and did not fall within the definition of ?employer.?? Accordingly, the SIPA trustee was excepted from the obligation to comply with the advance notice requirements under the WARN statutes.

Although the bankruptcy court also granted the chapter 11 trustee?s motion to dismiss, it did so without prejudice and without basing its decision on the ?liquidating fiduciary? principle.? Unlike the SIPA trustee?s motion to dismiss, disputed issues of fact existed with respect to the chapter 11 debtors.? Moreover, the class action complaint itself did not allege whether the debtors were seeking to reorganize or to liquidate.? Having concluded that the allegations in the complaint were deficient, the court granted the chapter 11 trustee?s motion to dismiss, but also granted the putative class representatives leave to amend their complaint within thirty days.? The bankruptcy court noted, however, that any subsequent amendment of the complaint would not preclude the court from dismissing the amended complaint based on the ?liquidating fiduciary? principle.

Thielmann reminds (or perhaps warns) debtors and their professionals that the interplay between the Bankruptcy Code and various federal and state statutes can be complicated and often ill-defined.? Moreover, what may appear to be innocuous, generic statements made in first day pleadings may have implications later.?? Unless a debtor-entity is excepted from the definition of ?employer? pursuant to the WARN statutes, a debtor (or its trustee) is warned to WARN.

Disclosure:? Although Weil is not involved in the WARN litigation, we represent the Administrators in certain of the proceedings relating to MF Global?s UK subsidiaries, including its UK broker-dealer.

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SAP to Deliver Enhanced Enterprise Security, Apps and App Platform for Windows 8

SAP is planning to deliver six new SAP mobile apps for Windows 8. SAP also announced forthcoming support for Windows 8 development on the SAP Mobile Platform as well as security enhancements to the?SAP Afaria?mobile device management solution. Through these apps, platform support and security enhancements, SAP said it intends to extend business processes to Windows 8 to accelerate a business? ability to run better with devices of various form factors. The announcements were made at?SAPPHIRE NOW + SAP TechEd in Madrid.

The six new SAP mobile apps for Windows 8 are focused on enterprise functions such as training, recruiting and sales. All six of these mobile apps are planned to be available for download in both the Windows Store and SAPStore. SAP WorkDeck, developed first for Windows 8, is a new persona-centric app that offers contextual integration of various information sources and processes into a role-based view. It enables employees to initiate new requests, oversee upcoming events and monitor the progress, as well as enable managers to react and process workflows on-the-go, such as travel, leave and purchasing requests. In addition, SAP Manager Insight?is an employee profile app that provides managers with access to key indicators, such as diversity, headcount, employee talent by location, as well as employee profiles, to drive collaborative and informed human resources (HR) decision-making; SAP Learning Assistant?is a training app that gives on-the-go workers tag-along teachers. It makes on-demand, online training available anytime, anywhere so workers can access required classes to address compliance and job requirements; SAP Interview Assistant?is a recruiting app that eases the cumbersome task of arranging interviews. It also helps managers review candidate information, prepare notes, record results, and provide immediate feedback to HR;? SAP Customer Financial Fact Sheet?is a customer profile app for account executives to access financial data, invoices and critical sales orders in real time; and? finally SAP GRC Policy Survey?is a policy app for employees to review and acknowledge relevant policy changes and fill in surveys to ensure they understand the policies.

In addition, SAP Mobile Platform (previously called the Sybase Unwired Platform)?is planned to support the creation and deployment of mobile apps for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. SAP intends to enable the large community of Microsoft developers to quickly create apps (HTML5 and JavaScript) using Visual Studio, as well as enable developers to access SAP Mobile Platform services for enhanced security and authentication, user/device/app provisioning and push notification to help ensure a consistent user experience across devices of different form factors on a single platform. To make app development of security-enhanced apps even simpler, SAP announced plans to release a library for login and authentication for Windows 8, which aims to allow developers to enable multiple incorporation options in their apps. By connecting to SAP Mobile Platform, apps are planned to be able to access SAP and non-SAP apps and data while helping deliver enterprise-grade enhanced security, policy and access management as well as app life-cycle management. The mobile platform is intended to provide a high-availability infrastructure for apps, helping ensure knowledge workers can stay productive virtually anytime, anywhere. SAP also plans to enable partners to begin to develop apps for Windows 8. A free trial of SAP Mobile Platform for developers is available on SAP Community Network?here.

Enhancing enterprise security, customers can help secure their mobile environment to help protect Windows 8 devices, content and apps using one of the industry?s mobile device management leaders, SAP Afaria, which is now available for Windows 8. SAP Afaria is also now certified to fully support Intel-based tablets featuring Windows 8.

SAP also announced plans to develop apps for Windows RT and Windows Phone 8.


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Vitaminwater: Why You Need to Avoid This Fructose-Loaded Drink ...

by?Elaine R. ? all things healing

Fitness trends are surging, which is why many people are switching to healthy foods and drinks that will give them the ample nutrition and weight loss support they need. But, watch out: not all so-called ?health? foods and beverages today are as healthy as they claim to be. Take Coca-Cola?s Vitaminwater, for example. Marketed as a delicious, flavored water enhanced with vitamins and minerals, this beverage is actually loaded with an unhealthy amount of fructose, including crystalline fructose, which may be more dangerous to your health than high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

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Thousands protest after Bangladesh fire traps workers, kills at least ...

Thousands of textile workers gathered in Bangladesh in protest factory conditions following a massive fire that killed 112 people.'s Dara Brown reports.

By NBC News wire services

DHAKA, Bangladesh --?Thousands of Bangladeshi workers blocked the streets of a Dhaka suburb Monday, throwing stones at factories and smashing vehicles, as they demanded justice for at least 112 people killed in a garment-factory fire that highlighted unsafe conditions in an industry rushing to produce for major retailers around the world.

Another fire broke out in a multi-story garment factory in a Dhaka suburb on Monday, but a fire department official said the blaze was under control and there were no immediate reports that anyone had died in the latest blaze.

Some 200 factories were closed for the day after the protest erupted in Savar, the industrial zone where Saturday's deadly fire occurred. Protesters blocked a major highway.

Andrew Biraj / Reuters

Workers shout slogans Monday as they protest against the death of their colleagues after a weekend fire in a garment factory in Savar, Bangladesh, killed more than 100 people.

The government announced that Tuesday will be a day of national mourning, with the national flag flying at half-mast in honor of the dead.

Fire official: No emergency exit
Investigators suspect that a short circuit caused the fire, said Maj. Mohammad Mahbub, fire department operations director. But he said it was not the fire itself but the lack of safety measures in the eight-story building that made it so deadly.

Fire sweeps clothing factory in Bangladesh -- more than 100 killed

"Had there been at least one emergency exit through outside the factory, the casualties would have been much lower," Mahbub said.

He said firefighters recovered at least 100 bodies from the factory, and 12 more people died at hospitals after jumping from the building to escape the fire.

Local media reported that up to 124 people were killed.

"I haven't been able to find my mother," one worker, who gave her name as Shahida, told Reuters. "I demand justice. I demand that the owner be arrested."

Mohammad Ripu, a survivor, said Monday that he tried to run out of the building when the fire alarm rang but was stopped.

"Managers told us, 'Nothing happened. The fire alarm had just gone out of order. Go back to work,'" Ripu said. "But we quickly understood that there was a fire. As we again ran for the exit point we found it locked from outside, and it was too late."

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Ripu said he jumped from a second-floor window and suffered minor injuries.

Mahbub said the fire broke out on the ground floor, which was used as a warehouse, and spread quickly to the upper floors. He said many workers who retreated to the roof were rescued, but dozens of others were trapped; firefighters recovered 69 bodies from the second floor alone.

A fire blew through an eight-story clothing factory in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh on Saturday night. The factory made products for Walmart and other U.S. companies. NBC's Kate Snow has more.

Many victims were burned beyond recognition. The bodies were laid out in rows at a school nearby. Many of them were handed over to families; unclaimed victims were taken to Dhaka Medical College for identification.

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Hazardous conditions are widespread
The garment-factory fire was Bangladesh's deadliest in recent memory, but such dangers have long been a fact of life as the industry has mushroomed to meet demand from major retailers around the world.

At least 500 people have died in clothing factory accidents in Bangladesh since 2006, according to fire department officials.

The Savar factory is owned by Tazreen Fashions Ltd., a subsidiary of the Tuba Group. Neither Tazreen nor Tuba Group officials could be reached for comment.

The Tuba Group is a major Bangladeshi garment exporter whose clients include Wal-Mart, Carrefour and IKEA, according to its website.

Andrew Biraj / Reuters

A firefighter inspects a garment factory in Savar, Bangladesh, on Sunday after a fire caused more than 100 deaths there a day earlier.

Bangladesh has some 4,000 garment factories, many without proper safety measures. The country annually earns about $20 billion from exports of garment products, mainly to the United States and Europe.

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The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association said it would stand by the victims' families and offered $1,250 to each of the families of the dead. The association's acting president, Siddiqur Rahman, said on a talk show late Sunday that Tazreen's owner was to meet with group representatives on Monday.

"We will discuss what other things we can do for the families of the dead," Rahman said on Rtv, a private television station. "We are worried about what has happened. We hope to discuss everything in detail in that meeting."

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

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Skid & the Too Tiny Tunnel (Hardcover)
By Jeffery Stoddard

Review & Description

Skid, the littlest yellow tractor in the equipment yard, wants to be mighty like the giant bulldozers, tall cranes, and massive diggers who tower over him. But all the big machines tell him he is just a dinky tractor with a putt-putt engine. While they are busy building a new road through the mountain, Skid is left behind to take out the garbage.

When disaster strikes and a tunnel the machines are digging collapses, Pillar, the biggest bulldozer, is left trapped in the rubble. Only a small opening is left at the tunnel entrance and the only one who can fit through the opening is Skid who is afraid of the dark.

Now it's up to the tiniest tractor to save the day. Can Skid find the courage to do what he was made to do and prove that he doesn't have to be big to be mighty? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

HTC tries the store-within-a-store approach in Germany


HTC has opened its first store-within-a-store in Germany. The Taiwanese retailer is attempting to rebound after lackluster financial results by having a more profound retail presence. Rather than open up separate stores, these are dedicated areas within existing retailers, this one being a Saturn store in Germany.

Samsung has tried this approach in the UK and other European countries, and while it's unknown how much of a direct effect it has had, Samsung has enjoyed record sales of its phones over the past year.

As you'd expect, store staff will be trained by HT, and will have more in-depth knowledge of their products. HTC has also promised to expand this strategy to more cities and stores. We'll likely have to wait quite a while before we see if this helps HTC's financial position, but it seems like a good start.

Source: UnwiredView


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Syrian rebels take airbase in slow progress toward Damascus

AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian rebels said on Sunday they had captured a helicopter base east of Damascus after an overnight assault, their latest gain in a costly battle to unseat President Bashar al-Assad that is drawing nearer to his seat of power.

The Marj al-Sultan base, 15 km (10 miles) from the capital, is the second military facility on the outskirts of the city reported to have fallen to Assad's opponents this month.

Activists said rebels had destroyed two helicopters and taken 15 prisoners.

"We are coming for you Bashar," a rebel shouted in an internet video of what activists said was Marj al-Sultan. Restrictions on non-state media meant it could not be verified.

The rebels have been tightening their hold on farmland and urban centers to the east and northeast of Damascus while a major battle has been underway for a week in the suburb of Daraya near the main highway south.

"We are seeing the starting signs of a rebel siege of Damascus," veteran opposition campaigner Fawaz Tello said from Berlin. "Marj al-Sultan is very near to the Damascus Airport road and to the airport itself. The rebels appear to be heading toward cutting this as well as the main northern artery to Aleppo."

Assad's core forces, drawn mainly from his minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam that has dominated power in Syria for nearly five decades, are entrenched in the capital.

They also have devastating air superiority although they have failed to prevent rebels increasing their presence on the edge of the capital and in neighborhoods on the periphery.

A Syrian government air strike on the rebel-held village of Deir al-Asafir, 12 km (8 miles) east of Damascus, killed 10 children on Sunday, opposition activists said.

Internet video footage also showed residents collecting young bodies hit by shrapnel. A sobbing woman picked up the lifeless body of a girl, while the bodies of two boys were shown in the back seat of a car.

"None of those killed were older than 15 years old. There are two women among 15 people wounded," said Abu Kassem, an activist in the village told Reuters.

A Western diplomat following the fighting said Assad still had the upper hand. "The army will allow positions to fall here and there, but it can still easily muster the strength to drive back the rebels where it sees a danger," the diplomat said.

"The rebels are very short of international support and they do not have the supplies to keep up a sustained fight, especially in Damascus."


Iran said Turkey's request to NATO to deploy Patriot defensive missiles near its border with Syria would add to problems in the region, where Iran is pitted against mostly Sunni Turkey and Gulf Sunni powers.

Iran's Shi'ite rulers have stepped up support for Assad while Sunni Arab powers helped forge a new opposition coalition this month recognised by France and Britain as the sole representative of the Syrians.

Syria has called the missile request "provocative", seeing it as a first step toward a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace which the opposition is seeking to help them hold territory against an enemy with overwhelming firepower from the air.

Most foreign powers are reluctant to go that far.

NATO has said the possible deployment of the missiles was purely defensive. The U.S.-led Western alliance has had some talks on the request but has yet to take a decision.

Turkey fears security on its border may crumble as the Syrian army fights harder against the rebels, some of whom have enjoyed sanctuary in Turkey in their 20-month-old revolt against Assad's rule.

Ankara has scrambled fighter jets and returned fire after stray Syrian shells and mortar bombs from heavy fighting along the border landed in its territory.

More than 120,000 Syrian refugees are sheltering in camps in southern Turkey and more are expected with winter setting in and millions of people estimated to be short of food inside Syria.

Abu Mussab, a rebel operative in the area of Hajar al-Aswad in south Damascus, said the opposition fighters had given up expecting a no-fly zone. "The bet is now on better organization and tactics," he said.

The video said by activists to have been filmed at the Marj al-Sultan base showed rebel fighters carrying AK-47 rifles.

An anti-aircraft gun was positioned on top of an empty bunker and a rebel commander from the Ansar al-Islam, a major Muslim rebel unit, was shown next to a helicopter.

"With God's help, the Marj al-Sultan airbase in eastern Ghouta has been liberated," the commander said in the video. Eastern Ghouta, a mix of agricultural land and built-up urban areas, has been a rebel stronghold for months.

Damaged mobile radar stations could be seen on hilltops, with rebels waiving as they walked around the compound.

Footage from Saturday evening showed rebels firing rocket-propelled grenades at the base, and what appeared to be a helicopter engulfed in flames.

Last week rebels briefly captured an air defence base near the southern Damascus district of Hajar al-Aswad, seizing weapons and equipment before pulling out to avoid retaliation from Assad's air force.

(Additional reporting by Dominic Evans in Beirut Yeganeh Torbati in Dubai and Ece Toksabay in Istanbul; Editing by Philippa Fletcher)


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For you to find the relief from Ipswich Back Pain then you must go for the best kind of pain management services. You can only find this when you visit doctors who have been well trained in pain management. You must also go for the latest techniques that are designed for pain relief and one that works. In back pain management there should be very close monitoring and this can only be achieved by well trained staff with a lot of experience. The best care is one which is home based and requires no medication. It is however very important that you find the root cause to your condition before you can get the treatment.

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Rice's big run, Tucker FGs give Ravens 16-13 win

Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh celebrates after his team's 16-13 overtime win against the San Diego Chargers in an NFL football game, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh celebrates after his team's 16-13 overtime win against the San Diego Chargers in an NFL football game, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Torrey Smith (82) is tackled by San Diego Chargers defensive back Corey Lynch (41) as Melvin Ingram looks on during the second half of an NFL football game, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco wipes his face on the sidelines during the second half of an NFL football game against the San Diego Chargers, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice runs between San Diego Chargers outside linebacker Jarret Johnson, left, ans cornerback Antoine Cason during the second half of an NFL football game Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Jacoby Jones tries to recover his fumbles against the San Diego Chargers during the first half of an NFL football game, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012, in San Diego. The Ravens recovered. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

(AP) ? Fourth-and-29 at their own 37, 1:37 left in regulation and trailing by three points.

Game over for the Baltimore Ravens?

Not so fast. After all, they were playing the San Diego Chargers, the masters of the come-from-ahead loss, and Ray Rice had the perfect play for the seemingly impossible situation.

"Check down, Hey Diddle Diddle, Ray Rice up the middle," the Ravens running back said in describing the unbelievable play that helped the Ravens to a 16-13 overtime win against the staggering Chargers.

Six plays later, Justin Tucker kicked a 38-yard field goal to tie the game at 13 as regulation expired. Tucker made another 38-yarder with 1:07 left in overtime to win it.

But it was Rice's 29-yard gain that saved the day and allowed the Ravens (9-2) to take an even firmer grip on the AFC North race.

Pushed back by a holding call against guard Marshal Yanda and a 9-yard sack of Flacco by Antwan Barnes, the Ravens were down to their last desperate shot.

"I was thinking we needed a miracle," Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs said.

They got it.

Flacco took a shotgun snap, looked downfield and then threw a short pass to Rice, who ran through a big hole in the middle of the field. Three Chargers missed him at the 50 before Quentin Jammer and Antoine Cason finally brought him down.

The ball originally was spotted at the 33. After a lengthy review, the ball was moved back to the 34 and the refs measured. The new spot still gave the Ravens a first down by the length of the ball.

"It was just total will," Rice said. "Once I made the first guy miss when I cut back across the grain, I actually saw the defense had to flip their hip and I kept eyeing the first down. I looked and said, 'Should I keep running to the sideline or should I just keep trying to get up field?' And that's what I did. I just kept getting up field.

"I left it in the hands of the officials and I'm not going to say they owed us one, but I'm glad we came out on top," he said.

Said wide receiver Torrey Smith: "I had a great view. ... That's probably one of the best plays I've ever seen. You won't see too many plays like that. He was the perfect guy for it."

With the Chargers defenders playing deep, Flacco couldn't find Smith open so he went to Rice.

"I thought it might be our best shot at the time ? give it to Ray ? and Ray made a great run and got a little lucky and it worked out perfect," Flacco said.

All the Chargers had to do was get the stop and run out the clock for their first win against a team with a winning record this season.

"I don't know what to say," Jammer said. "A play like that should never happen. You can't give them a chance to execute that play. But we had some breakdowns, for sure."

Up to that point, San Diego's defense had played well.

"It definitely upsets the stomach when things like that happen, but they happen," said defensive end Corey Liuget, who had a sack, a big fourth-down stop earlier in the game and a pass deflection.

"You have to give a guy credit when he makes an awesome play like that. But it was big, the biggest of the game it changed the game. ... Those kinds of plays are never acceptable in the NFL. You have to have somebody make the play."

San Diego (4-7) was pushed closer to elimination from the playoff picture for the third straight season, and with it, almost certainly the end of the Norv Turner era. The Chargers dropped four games behind AFC West leader Denver, which swept the season series against San Diego. In the wild-card race, the Chargers trail Indianapolis by three games and Pittsburgh and Cincinnati by two games.

Baltimore increased its lead to three games over Pittsburgh, which lost to Cleveland, and Cincinnati, which beat Oakland. The Ravens won their fourth straight and for the eighth time in nine games.

San Diego punted on both of its OT possessions. The second punt, a 63-yarder by Mike Scifres, pinned the Ravens at their 11 with 4:56 to go.

On third-and-10 from the Chargers 47, Smith came back and went over Jammer's tight coverage to make a nice catch of a 31-yard pass from Flacco to the Chargers 16. Flacco twice took a knee to set up the winning kick.

San Diego had gone ahead 13-3 on Nick Novak's 30-yard field goal with 7:51 to go in regulation.

This was the third time the Chargers blew a lead of double digits in the second half. They also came from ahead to lose at New Orleans and in an epic Monday night game here against Denver, when they blew a 24-0 halftime lead and lost 35-24.

Philip Rivers was sacked six times, twice by Arthur Jones. Rivers was turnover-free for just the third time in 11 games. He came in with 14 interceptions and four lost fumbles.

Rivers threw a 21-yard TD pass to Malcom Floyd and Novak kicked a 43-yard field goal to give the Chargers a 10-0 lead in the second quarter.

The Ravens struggled offensively until the opening drive of the second half. Flacco threw a short pass to Smith, who made two Chargers miss, then cut inside and deked another defender before being tackled at the Chargers 27 for a 54-yard gain.

The Ravens had to settle for Tucker's 43-yard field goal.

Flacco was sacked five times, twice by Antwan Barnes.

NOTES: Chargers S Eric Weddle sustained a concussion when he was hit by Anquan Boldin on the fourth-and-29 play. Chargers S Atari Bigby and LB Donald Butler both left with groin injuries in the second quarter. ... Ravens TE Ed Dickson sprained a knee. ... The Ravens were 8 of 13 on third-down conversions in the second half and overtime, and 12 of 24 for the game. The Chargers were 3 of 15 on third-down conversions for the game.


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What Are Affirmations & How Can You Apply Them In Your Life ...

What Are Affirmations & How Can You Apply Them In Your LifeSo what are affirmations?

Put simply an affirmation is a positive statement that can literally reprogram your subconscious mind in order for you to take on a new empowered way of thinking and a positive attitude and thought process, affirmations help you take on a new belief system and take a more positive and optimistic perception of yourself.

Affirmations can help you overcome any self doubt or negativity and achieve goals you had been previously avoiding or just never thinking you would be capable to accomplish. A large number of people globally practice the use of affirmations to further improve their current situations and empower their belief systems. Our inner dialogue directly affects how we perceive ourselves and the expectations we have of ourselves and unfortunately for most their inner dialogue is usually routined to negativity due to the daily pressures and stress of life.

Our subconscious mind is the key to unlocking our full potential and affirmations work by slowly imprinting positive thoughts and beliefs in the subconscious part of the mind which over time will directly affect the conscious part of the mind even if you're unaware of it.

Although it isn't possible to directly control the thought processes that effect our subconscious mind we do however have the ability to influence it in a positive manner and therefore gradually weed out any negative thought patterns and self doubt, slowly replacing them with inspiring and positive thoughts.

Applying affirmations in your own life isn't difficult or even time consuming especially when first getting started, around10 - 20 minutes per day will be all that is required to get started as well as a desire to make lasting changes for the better in your life.

If you're thinking of applying affirmations in your life then there are just three rules that everyone must stick to which are;

They must be in the present tense not the past or future.

They must be really positive and uplifting.

They must resonate with you on a personal level and have emotional meaning.

A good example of a positive affirmation for prosperity would be something similar to; "I am happy to be successful and I am grateful that my personal growth, development and commitment has allowed me to grow prosperous and wealthy."

Notice exactly how that affirmation "affirms" I previously achieved/ gained wealth (even if I have not done so), at first this can seem a little sci-fi or you may feel you're lying to yourself (which would indicate that you're still experiencing self doubt) but much of our sub-conscious thoughts cannot make a distinction between that which is reality and which are just thoughts! This is the reason why "affirming" what you desire on a daily basis with positive self talk, gradually re-programs your mind to gradually take on a new belief system.

If you do find yourself dubious as I once was then just give them a try you have nothing to lose, there's no expense to meet, you are quite literally your own guru who's training there-self!

The trick is to state your personal affirmations with conviction and supply them a emotional definition, in the event you just state "I really am wealthy as well as prosperous" then you'll undeniably fight to persuade yourself you are already rich, give them some sort of definition plus also believe in your statements and affirmations with a passion as this will help embed those thoughts and feelings and give them an emotional attachment.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

New trail spurs interest in ex-Atlanta rail route

In this Nov. 20, 2012 photo, a couple walks along the Atlanta BeltLine as the midtown skyline stands in the background in Atlanta. Since an Atlanta nonprofit opened a 2.25-mile-long paved trail east of downtown last month, it has attracted a steady stream of joggers, dog-walkers and cyclists to take in spectacular views of the skyline as well as a slice of established neighborhoods that were once only seen by riding a freight train. The Eastside Trail is the latest and most visible phase of the Atlanta BeltLine, an ambitious $2.8 billion plan to transform a 22-mile railroad corridor that encircles Atlanta into a network of parks, trails, public art, affordable homes and ultimately streetcars. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

In this Nov. 20, 2012 photo, a couple walks along the Atlanta BeltLine as the midtown skyline stands in the background in Atlanta. Since an Atlanta nonprofit opened a 2.25-mile-long paved trail east of downtown last month, it has attracted a steady stream of joggers, dog-walkers and cyclists to take in spectacular views of the skyline as well as a slice of established neighborhoods that were once only seen by riding a freight train. The Eastside Trail is the latest and most visible phase of the Atlanta BeltLine, an ambitious $2.8 billion plan to transform a 22-mile railroad corridor that encircles Atlanta into a network of parks, trails, public art, affordable homes and ultimately streetcars. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

In this Nov. 20, 2012 photo, a rollerblader skates past an art mural along the Atlanta BeltLine in Atlanta. Since an Atlanta nonprofit opened a 2.25-mile-long paved trail east of downtown last month, it has attracted a steady stream of joggers, dog-walkers and cyclists to take in spectacular views of the skyline as well as a slice of established neighborhoods that were once only seen by riding a freight train. The Eastside Trail is the latest and most visible phase of the Atlanta BeltLine, an ambitious $2.8 billion plan to transform a 22-mile railroad corridor that encircles Atlanta into a network of parks, trails, public art, affordable homes and ultimately streetcars. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

In this Nov. 20, 2012 photo, a couple walks along the Atlanta BeltLine in Atlanta. Since an Atlanta nonprofit opened a 2.25-mile-long paved trail east of downtown last month, it has attracted a steady stream of joggers, dog-walkers and cyclists to take in spectacular views of the skyline as well as a slice of established neighborhoods that were once only seen by riding a freight train. The Eastside Trail is the latest and most visible phase of the Atlanta BeltLine, an ambitious $2.8 billion plan to transform a 22-mile railroad corridor that encircles Atlanta into a network of parks, trails, public art, affordable homes and ultimately streetcars. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

In this Nov. 20, 2012 photo, pedestrians pass a sign near the entrance for the Atlanta BeltLine in Atlanta. Since an Atlanta nonprofit opened a 2.25-mile-long paved trail east of downtown last month, it has attracted a steady stream of joggers, dog-walkers and cyclists to take in spectacular views of the skyline as well as a slice of established neighborhoods that were once only seen by riding a freight train. The Eastside Trail is the latest and most visible phase of the Atlanta BeltLine, an ambitious $2.8 billion plan to transform a 22-mile railroad corridor that encircles Atlanta into a network of parks, trails, public art, affordable homes and ultimately streetcars. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

In this Nov. 20, 2012 photo, Cash Barnes' public art project "Take Me To Your Leader," is seen against the downtown skyline along the Atlanta BeltLine in Atlanta. Since an Atlanta nonprofit opened a 2.25-mile-long paved trail east of downtown last month, it has attracted a steady stream of joggers, dog-walkers and cyclists to take in spectacular views of the skyline as well as a slice of established neighborhoods that were once only seen by riding a freight train. The Eastside Trail is the latest and most visible phase of the Atlanta BeltLine, an ambitious $2.8 billion plan to transform a 22-mile railroad corridor that encircles Atlanta into a network of parks, trails, public art, affordable homes and ultimately streetcars. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

(AP) ? Since a new urban trail opened last month in an old rail corridor in Atlanta, it has drawn a steady stream of joggers, dog-walkers and cyclists to take in spectacular views of the skyline and neighborhoods once seen only by train. Hundreds of trees have been planted along the paved 14-foot-wide path, while artists have added works such as windmills made of bicycle parts and colorful murals on concrete overpasses.

The path, known as the Eastside Trail, is part of a $2.8 billion plan to transform a 22-mile railroad corridor that encircles Atlanta into a network of trails, parks, affordable homes and ultimately streetcar lines. The Atlanta BeltLine is an example of rails-to-trails projects going on around the country, including in New York and Chicago, that aim to make better use of old rail corridors by creating better-connected and more livable urban areas, providing alternatives to car travel and spurring economic development.

"I think it's transformational," Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said. "The new section is already overused in terms of the people. ... Now folks are demanding more and more."

Advocates say the BeltLine has great promise for a city that was founded as a railroad crossroads before the Civil War and later became a poster child for suburban sprawl and highway gridlock.

"The perception of Atlanta as 100 percent dependent on the car has really started to change," said Ed McMahon, senior residence fellow at the Urban Land Institute in Washington. He cited recent efforts to create bike paths and the planned BeltLine, which he said would be the "first bicycle beltway."

Atlanta's focus on light rail alongside the planned trails is also unique, he added.

More than 1,600 abandoned or unused rail corridors nationwide have been converted to trails, which totaled more than 19,000 miles in 2012.

One of the best-known examples is the High Line on Manhattan's West Side, where a 1.45-mile-long elevated rail structure has been transformed into an above-ground park drawing 2 million visitors a year. McMahon said it cost $150 million to build and has generated $2 billion in adjacent new construction. Chicago is undertaking The Bloomingdale Trail, a 3-mile-long elevated linear park and trail on a former rail line.

Such projects are "sparking real estate sales and energizing future development," McMahon said.

They're also changing the way people get around. In Minneapolis, he said, an abandoned rail yard was turned into a "bicycle freeway" with separate 10-foot-wide paths for travel to and from downtown.

It seems only fitting that Atlantans are reclaiming their rail corridors: The city was settled in 1837 as a railroad crossroads called Terminus. Rail lines were destroyed by Union Major General William Tecumseh Sherman's forces during the Civil War, but were quickly rebuilt after the war.

Atlanta BeltLine Inc., a nonprofit that is an offshoot of the city's economic development authority, works with a myriad of groups and agencies. Its roughly $20-million-plus budget includes new tax revenue above 2005 levels from a BeltLine corridor tax district ? expected to generate $1.7 billion over 25 years ? and government funds and private donations.

In addition to the 2.25-mile-long Eastside Trail, the group has opened three other parks, a skate park and two trails; helped create 120 affordable homes; secured land for future streetcar lines; and invested more than $1.3 million in public art.

However, the vision of light rail seems farther off after area voters this year rejected a transportation referendum that included $600 million for transit projects such as the BeltLine.

The ABI has gotten some public-relations black eyes, too. The board overseeing the project voted in August to oust its president and CEO after the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that he charged taxpayers for a wedding gift, a dry cleaning bill, a parking ticket and other items. Critics also voiced concern about spending for elaborate staff retreats, stays at pricey hotels and meals at expensive restaurants for project employees.

ABI Chairman John Somerhalder said limited dollars were at issue, but that a higher principle was involved. He said the board has put in place policies "to make sure we're very good stewards going forward."

Somerhalder said there has been $775 million in private redevelopment completed or underway within a half-mile of the trail since 2005. And, he said, the positive response to projects like the Eastside Trail will help build on the $41 million in private fundraising, much of it from Atlanta's major philanthropic groups.

In recent weeks, the trail has been a beehive of activity.

"I like it. It definitely cleans it up," said John Timlin, 29, a worker at New York Butcher Shoppe, whose back door abuts an increasingly crowded trail. Sales have gone up about 20 percent since the trail opened.

Camila Brioli, 21, a Brazil native who is studying piano performance at Georgia State University, jogged on the trail recently and stopped at the various public art works, including a temporary piece by artist Misao Cates where passersby wrote messages on white ribbons and attached them to bamboo poles. She left one in Portuguese about Brazil's soccer team, one of more than 1,000 left by people.

"I love it because I am a pianist," she said, adding that she was talking to her mom on Skype moments earlier and used it to show her some of the works.

The new trail, which links century-old Piedmont Park to the well-known Inman Park and Old Fourth Ward neighborhoods, also evokes the past. From one bridge, a visitor can look down on a large shopping plaza and lot that was once occupied by Ponce de Leon Park, home of the minor-league Atlanta Crackers until the Braves came to town. A magnolia tree that was prominently just right of center field still stands.

The trail also passes a 2-million-square-foot red-brick building that was a Sears, Roebuck & Co. regional warehouse and store for decades before it became city offices for a time.

The city last year sold the building to Jamestown Properties, owner of Chelsea Market in New York, for $27 million. Plans call for turning it into restaurants, apartments and offices.

Fred Yalouris, director of design for the Beltline project, said the Eastside Connector has turned out well, drawing on the area's new apartments and condos as well as an influx of 20- and 30-somethings. But planners still must figure out how to better connect neighborhoods that were long separated by railroad tracks.

"There are communities in some parts of the BeltLine within 200 feet and hardly no (one knows) each other," he said.

Two Urban Licks, a popular Atlanta restaurant, used to have a 6-foot-tall privacy fence to shield its back patio, garden and bocce courts from the kudzu-covered railroads tracks. As the trail was built, the fence came down ? and now the eatery may set up a host stand out back. General manager Shireen Herrington called the BeltLine "a great use of something that's just there, been sitting there."

But Herrington said police need to adequately patrol the trail given past crime problems. She also favors adding lighting and call boxes.

Officers patrol the segment by bike, and officials say future plans include lighting.

Farther down the trail, a battered old wooden railroad bridge still stands alongside a new span over Ralph McGill Boulevard. There on a recent day, Sabine Markham helped her 6-year-old daughter Savannah learn how to roller blade.

"It's our first time trying it," the Germany native said of the trail. "It's pretty. It's nice they're doing something that lets people do something outdoors."



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--Saving Me--

--Saving Me--

No, i didnt get the idea from the Nickleback song....but it does kinda fit....


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Hey hey, emotionless!! :)

I'd like to reserve one of the curse breakers. I probably won't be able to put up a character until tomorrow at the earliest, though. Do you want realistic or anime images?

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Doesnt matter what kind of image, but your spot is reserved mirror!

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Would it be alright if I took one of each? If not, just a curse breaker. Do you have set genders? I would like females.

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Can I reserve the cursed 2? I'm going to send the character right now ;)

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I sent in my character! I hope she's alright! Also, if there's a shortage of guys, I can change her to a boy.

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Can I reserve a curse breaker? if one is still available?

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can i reserve a curse breaker? If not maybe a cursed?

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