Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If I am getting a tax refund from 2007 tax, will I still get the tax rebate ...

August 31st, 2011

I filed my 2007 taxes and am recieving a tax refund. Will we recieve the tax rebate? There is myself, my hubby and 5 kids. We made around $24,000 last year. Do we qualify for the rebate check? And how much will we be getting if we do qualify?

Categories: Taxes

Tags: 2007, check, from, Getting, rebate, refund, Still


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US man survives pruning shears impalement

In this image provided by the University Medical Center in Tucson, a CT scan shows a pair of pruning shears embedded in the head of an 86-year-old Green Valley, Ariz., man before it was removed by Medical Center surgeons in Tucson on July 30, 2011. Leroy Luetscher was accidentally impaled through his eye socket after falling on the shears while working in his yard, the handle penetrating his eye socket and reaching down into his neck. He is expected to make a full recovery. (AP Photo/University Medical Center,Tucson, Arizona)

In this image provided by the University Medical Center in Tucson, a CT scan shows a pair of pruning shears embedded in the head of an 86-year-old Green Valley, Ariz., man before it was removed by Medical Center surgeons in Tucson on July 30, 2011. Leroy Luetscher was accidentally impaled through his eye socket after falling on the shears while working in his yard, the handle penetrating his eye socket and reaching down into his neck. He is expected to make a full recovery. (AP Photo/University Medical Center,Tucson, Arizona)

(AP) ? Hospital officials say an 86-year-old Arizona man is lucky to be alive after he accidentally impaled himself with pruning shears.

University Medical Center said Monday that Leroy Luetscher of Green Valley was working in his yard on July 30 when he dropped a pair of pruning shears, which landed point-side down in the ground.

When Luetscher went to pick them up, he lost his balance and fell face-down on the handle. The handle penetrated his eye socket and went down into his neck, resting on the external carotid artery. Half the shears were left in his head, while the other half was sticking out.

Luetscher was rushed to the hospital, where surgeons removed the shears and rebuilt his orbital floor with metal mesh, saving his eye.

Doctors say Luetscher still has slight swelling in his eyelids and minor double vision but has otherwise recovered.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tony Romo ? Cowboys cut Pro Bowl C Andre Gurode - Fantasy Sports

The Dallas Cowboys cut C Andre Gurode on Monday. Gurode is a 5-time Pro Bowler and was the longest tenured Cowboy on the roster.
Huddle Up: A surprise move, but Gurode did have a bloated salary that he refused to re-work and team officials were also peeved that he chose to have knee surgery so late in the offseason (June). The Cowboys will move ahead with C Phil Costa, a second-year man from Maryland. Costa has a sprained PCL but is expected to be ready for Week 1.

Click to continue reading this fantasy sports article at The Huddle's Fantasy Player News Feed.



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Improve Your Health Through Increased Fitness Level and Proper ...

Improve Your Health Through Increased Fitness Level and Proper Nutrition

Today?s population is mostly living in a sedentary lifestyle. We sit out most of the day either at our workplace or at home. We spend our leisure times in front of the TV or a game consoles. Modern and fast way of life has forced us to use cars or public transportation where ever we go.

This has led to increased population that is over-weight or even obese. Our fitness level has dropped to a very low level, and we are unable to run for more than few hundred meters and a thought to take a walk to a grocery store is unimaginable to us because it would take too much of our energy.

One of the most negative side effects is the way it affects our health. Obesity has been declared as the number one health issue by the World Health Organization. Heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, breathing problems and asthma are only some of the issues related with the obesity and fitness level.

Physical activity and proper nutrition are important to improve health and fitness:

Increase physical activity. A simple 30 minute walk every day can induce health benefits in just a couple of weeks and burn additional 100 calories every day.
Change your diet. This does not mean that you have to eat less, but you need to changesome habits. Eat three times a day and don?t eat between meals. Avoid eating fried food,high fat and high sugar snacks, sugared drinks and sodas and serve portions of normalsize.


If you have decided to lose your weight don?t do it too rapidly because you are risking a variety of health issues. It probably took you years to get to the level where you are now and it takes more than a few weeks to get where you want to be. Start with some simple forms of activity like walking, swimming or cycling. Don?t try to conquer the mountains in the first week, but rather gradually increase the workout intensity.

Don?t avoid or skip your meals so you consume fewer calories. Consuming too little calories will provoke your metabolism to switch on the starvation mode. It will start burning your muscle mass instead your fat so it can compensate on a sudden loss of calories. You will lose weight this way, but again, you are risking organ damage, which can affect kidneys, liver and heart.

If you are very obese or have known health issues I suggest that you visit your doctor first and ask for advice. Your life and health are not to be played with!

Do you want to learn more about losing weight and increasing your fitness level?
If so, download my free guides on how to burn fat and stay fit forever.

Fitness entusiast and content contributor for many fitness blogs and article directories. Dinko was computer hobbyst from the age of 5 but when it became his everyday profession, 12 years ago,?his thirst for knowledge and?a need to relax was fulfilled with fitness and healthy living ideology.


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Online Debt Relief- Assistive Guidepost ... - Personal Finance Solution

Debt consolidation tips are enabling credit card debtors to analyze their strengths and weaknesses and then use these strengths in their broader interests. These tips are being offered by experts so as to endorsing a most lucrative and practicable way of action to Mastercard debtors thru which they can break pitiless clutches of unsecured debt and could enjoy credit free life in terribly short timespan.

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The priorities of folks differ when they go looking for debt relief tips to reduce their credit card bills. Some of the people wish to get a healthy elimination and they can wait vis the time duration. However, time is a vital factor for the others while they are looking debt relief tips.

The most significant tip is to have a cautious approach as a client. Paying a heavy amount and evolving a unconcerned approach is not right. Most relief firms like purchasers who do not take part in the particular events of the case. In this fashion, they can adopt a untroubled approach and take multiple cases at a time. If you are paying a heavy sum, you need individual attention.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Over 21 Million Fantasy Sports Players, Should Employers Worry ...

08/29/2011 by CGC Coaches

With less than two weeks to go before the opening kick-off in the National Football League season, fantasy football participants across the country are undoubtedly spending more time than usual fine-tuning their draft selections and rosters due to a lock-out shortened pre-season.? Unfortunately for the nation?s employers, some of the extra time spent on player research may come during business hours.

However, even with an estimated 21.3 million full-time workers participating in fantasy sports each year, with some spending as much as nine hours per week managing their teams, the impact on overall workplace productivity is negligible, according to the workplace experts at global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

?In an information-based economy, productivity is very difficult to measure.? And the same widespread access to the internet from our desks, phones and laptops that allows people to manage their fantasy teams from any place at any time, also allows work to be completed outside of traditional 9-to-5 work hours,? saidJohn A. Challenger, chief executive officer of Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

According to statistics from the Fantasy Sports Trade Association, the number of people participating in fantasy sports in theUnited States and Canada has grown 60 percent over the past four years to 32 million.? The Association?s research indicates that 19 percent of full-time workers in theU.S.have played fantasy sports in the past year.? That comes to about 21,253,000 workers.

Football is, of course, the most popular fantasy sport, played by roughly 80 percent of all fantasy sports participants.? According to market research, players spend up to nine hours a week planning and plotting their strategies for weekly matchups in 70 million free and paid leagues (the average player belongs to 2.5 leagues).

?It is impossible to determine how much of that weekly prep time is spent during work hours.? It is even more difficult to determine how time spent managing teams during work hours actually impacts productivity or the company?s bottom line,? said Challenger.

?If you look at a company?s third and fourth quarter earnings statements, it is unlikely that you will find a fantasy football effect.? The impact is more likely to be seen by department managers and team leaders, who have a better sense of their workers? day-to-day work flow.? Even at level, though, it might not be worth cracking down on fantasy football, unless the quantity or quality of an individual?s work drops off significantly,? he added.

A survey conducted during the 2010 football season by Challenger found that fantasy football had little to no impact on productivity.? Ranking the level of distraction on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no noticeable impact, nearly 70 percent said four or lower.? Less than eight percent of respondents said the level of distraction rated a 7 or 8 and none of the respondents felt the phenomenon deserved a 9 or 10.

?An across-the-board ban on all fantasy football or sports websites could backfire in the form of reduced morale and loyalty.? The result could be far worse than the loss of productivity caused by 10 to 20 minutes of team management each day.

?Companies that not only allow workers to indulge in fantasy football, but actually encourage it by organizing company leagues are likely to see significant benefits in morale as well as productivity,? Challenger said. ?In the long run, this may lead to increased employee retention.?

In a 2006 Ipsos survey, 40 percent of respondents said fantasy sports participation was a positive influence in the workplace.? Another 40 percent said it increases camaraderie among employees.? One in five said their involvement in fantasy sports enabled them to make a valuable business contact.

Furthermore, a more recent study by researchers at the National University of Singapore found that occasional non-work-related web browsing at the office can refresh tired workers and enhance overall productivity.

Despite evidence of fantasy football?s positive impact on the workplace, ?less than eight percent those surveyed by Challenger last season said their companies ?embrace? fantasy football participation as a morale-boosting activity and none of the employers represented officially organized leagues.




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The Importance of Your Worksite Wellness Team | Houston Personal ...

Committees are key for successful wellness programs.

If you want to build an evidenced-based wellness program for your business, you must take the time to build a strong wellness team. ?It might be easier to rely on a wellness vendor or an online platform to deliver wellness information to your employees. ?But there is no substitute for enthusiastic team members, on the ground, in the various departments and divisions of your company, to create a buzz about wellness.

In their book, Built to Last, Collins and Poras studied companies that have enjoyed a long and productive history. ?Interestingly, their research shows that these successful companies rely on teams rather than individuals. ?Having a charismatic or visionary leader is great. ?But in the long run, strong teams will keep a program alive and vital, long after a particular leader leaves the stage. ?Not only is this true for companies, but it is especially true for wellness programs. ?The strength of a team can help to produce amazing results. ?The responsibility for the program is spread among the team. ?If someone leaves, for whatever reason, the work of the wellness team continues. ?The team carries the vision for the program, and carries that message into all levels of the company.

When a worksite wellness program comes from a single department, without representation from the company at large, wellness can be perceived as something that the company is doing to?employees, not with and for them. ?By creating a committee made up of people from various departments, locations, and levels, you can reduce the chance for an ?us vs. them? mentality sometimes seen by frontline employees. ?Worksite wellness is for everyone, not just the upper level elite.

The most successful teams will have regular meetings. ?The meetings will serve to educate team members about wellness concepts as well as the company?s wellness program planning and implementation. ?One very effective strategy for a wellness committee is to use this group as a test group for any future activities. ?The group is a microcosm of the employee population at large, so it?s a great place to work out the kinks in communication and program delivery.

The team should include people who are at various stages in their own health and fitness journey. ?It shouldn?t be made up of only?those people who eat perfectly and run marathons! ?A few health nuts in the group is fine, but the idea is that you are trying to reach the ?every-man/woman? in your employee population. ?A committee member who fits that role will be more helpful in getting the message to a larger group. ?They can say ?If I can do it, so can you.?

Ideally, wellness team members should get some kind of perks for participating. ?Here are a few ideas:

  • 3 months of paid health coaching or personal training
  • 2 days off their regular duties each year to attend the committee?s corporate wellness retreat and planning at an off-site location.
  • A gift certificate for a massage or a healthy food vendor like ?Tru Meals? or ?My Fit Foods.?
  • A team t-shirt

If you create the right atmosphere, people will look forward to participating on the committee. ?They will see it as an honor and will become the best advocates for the wellness program. ?You can have people rotate off the committee every 2 or 3 years. ?That way more people get a chance to learn and to participate. ?It will keep your team fresh and vital.

If you need help forming your team, or educating them, give X Factor a call at 713.443.6922. ?We would love to help your wellness committee become healthy and strong champions for your company?s wellness program.


This entry was posted on Monday, August 29th, 2011 at 9:09 am You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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Authentic Suburban Gourmet: { Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Biscuits ...

This is the second time that I have participated in The Secret Recipe Club. I had such a brilliant experience with the initial time and was introduced to other wonderful bloggers; I knew I needed to continue with the club. Amanda of Amanda?s Cooking is the founder of this fun cooking club. Each month you are assigned to a new blogger and can explore their site for new recipes and ideas.

This month I had the pleasure of being introduced to Tara from Feels Like Home. Tara?s blog is chalk full of numerous topics beyond just cooking. She shares ideas on making home management easier, family tips, crafts, good health and even home schooling thoughts. I only have a four legged child, so some of her wonderful tips are not applicable to me but I can imagine that her wisdom has helped many.

Tara is a young wife and mother. Her motto is ? ?I live the life I love, and I love the life I live?. I can sense that Tara is a very positive person and I am sure a great mother, wife and friend to many. She balances her teaching science at a high school, blogging and taking care of her family. The name of her blog came from moving quite a bit as a kid, to finally having a home and family, so now it ?feels like home?. It was nice to meet Tara virtually and I give her much kudos for everything she has accomplished.

Choosing the recipe for this round of the Secret Recipe Club was challenging, since Tara has so many wonderful ones to choose from. However, one just stood out immediately ? perhaps it was because bacon was one of the ingredients. Who doesn?t love applewood smoked bacon?

The Bacon Cheddar Breakfast Biscuits caught my eye and made my mouth water. The recipe called for bisquick, which I typically do not have in the house. I loved all of the ingredients, so I made my standby buttermilk biscuits and then added the bacon and cheddar to the mix. Thought another natural match for these delightful biscuits would be a touch of chopped chives to enhance the flavor profile. I thought the brushing of the garlic butter on the finished biscuits was brilliant and again another layer of flavor.

The smell of bacon combined with buttery biscuits lofting through the house, was the pure smell of home. I can see why Tara loved to make these. Right when I pulled them out of the oven, I had to have a bite. All I can say is these are pure heaven for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. Thank you Tara for a wonderful inspiration and recipe!

Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Biscuits

2 1/8 C. Flour
4 t. Baking powder
2 1/2 t. Sugar
? t. Cream of Tarter
? t. Salt
1 Chilled stick butter or shortening (1/2 cup) cut into small pieces
? C. Buttermilk
4 to 6 Pieces of Applewood Smoked Bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 C. Grated Cheddar Cheese
? C. Chives, finely chopped
2 T. Melted butter
? t. Garlic powder

Preheat the oven to 400?

In a large bowl, blend together the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Add in the cold butter and toss the butter in the flour. Using your finger tips quickly cut and rub the butter into the flour mixture until the mixture resembles pea-size pieces. I recommend using your hands for best results but do not overwork. Add the bacon, cheddar and chives and mix together.

Pour in the buttermilk. Using a fork, mix everything until it just comes together. Lightly dust a bread board with flour. Turn the dough out, lightly dust the top with flour, and gently knead the mass until it comes together.

Using your hands, flatten the dough out into a rectangle one-inch thick. Cut into twelve pieces.

Transfer each biscuit to a non-stick baking sheet. Mix the garlic powder into the melted butter. Lightly brush on to each biscuit. The closer you have them together, the softer they will be. Bake for 10-15 minutes until they are lightly golden brown around the edges. Best eaten right out of the oven for peak deliciousness!



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Irene rakes up U.S. East Coast, shuts down New York (Reuters)

MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. (Reuters) ? Hurricane Irene charged up the U.S. East Coast on Saturday towards New York, shutting down the city, and millions of Americans hunkered down as the giant storm halted transport and caused massive power blackouts.

"The storm is coming," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told the more than 8 million people who live in the United States' most populous city that includes Wall Street, one of the world's major financial centres.

From the Carolinas to Maine, tens of millions of people were in the path of the 580-mile (930-km)-wide storm that howled ashore in North Carolina at daybreak on Saturday, dumping torrential rain, felling trees and knocking out power.

At least seven deaths were reported in North Carolina, Virginia and Florida. Several million people were under evacuation orders on the U.S. East Coast.

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, which connects Virginia's Eastern Shore with the the mainland and is regarded as a modern engineering wonder, was closed because of the winds and rain.

This year has been one of the most extreme for weather in U.S. history, with $35 billion in losses so far from floods, tornadoes and heat waves. President Barack Obama was keeping a close eye on preparations for the hurricane.

New York City's normally bustling streets turned eerily quiet after authorities ordered unprecedented major evacuations and shut down its airports and subways.

Commuters were left to flag down yellow taxis and livery cabs that were patrolling largely deserted streets.

Irene caused transport chaos in the eastern United States, as airline, rail and transit systems in New York and other cities started sweeping weekend shutdowns.

The Coast Guard closed the port of Philadelphia, while New York Harbor remained open with some restrictions.

"We are trying to get to Boston and that is not going to happen. We're just stuck here," Rachel Karten said from the near-empty Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York. "We didn't think they would shut down everything."

Irene left nearly 1 million people without power in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware on Saturday and New York prepared for possible wide blackouts.

With winds of 8O miles per hour (130 km per hour), Irene had weakened to a Category 1 hurricane on the five-step Saffir-Simpson intensity scale. But it was expected to approach New York Saturday night at or near hurricane strength, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Irene came ashore near North Carolina's Cape Lookout around 7:30 a.m. EDT (1130 GMT), and then chugged up the coast on a north-northeast track. By 8 p.m. (0000 GMT), the centre was 30 miles (50 km) east southeast of Norfolk, Virginia, and 300 miles (485 km) south southwest of New York City.

Irene could slacken to a tropical storm by the time it hits New England on Sunday, but the Miami-based hurricane centre said that would make little difference in the impact from its damaging winds, flooding rains and dangerous storm surge.

"I would advise people not to focus that much on Category 1, 2 or 3 ... if you're in a hurricane, it's a big deal," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a conference call. "This remains a large and dangerous storm," she said.


Bloomberg told New Yorkers Irene was a life-threatening hurricane and urged them to heed evacuation orders.

"This is a storm which if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, could be fatal ... It is dangerous out there," the mayor said in one of several public appeals. He urged New Yorkers to stay indoors to avoid flying debris, flooding or the risk of being electrocuted by downed power lines.

Some 370,000 city residents were ordered to leave their homes in low-lying areas, many of them in parts of the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens and in downtown Manhattan.

But many were unwilling to evacuate. Nicholas Vigliotti, 24, an auditor who lives in a new high-rise building along the Brooklyn waterfront, said he saw no point.

"Even if there was a flood, I live on the fifth floor," he said. But he was moving his car to safety in a higher spot.

The hurricane centre said that Irene's winds could impact more strongly on the higher floors of skyscrapers.

The Miami-based centre forecast a storm surge of up to 8 feet (2.5 meters) for Long Island and metropolitan New York when Irene passes on Sunday.

That would easily top the flood walls protecting the south end of Manhattan if it comes at high tide around 8 a.m. (noon GMT) on Sunday, hurricane expert Jeff Masters of private forecaster Weather Underground wrote in his blog.

When Irene hit the North Carolina coast at daybreak, winds howled through the power lines, rain fell in sheets and streets were flooded or littered with signs and tree branches.


"You look outside and it's like nature is dancing for us," said Joe Toledo, who left his mobile home with his wife, Cindy, to take shelter in a hotel in Havelock, North Carolina.

Two people were killed by falling trees in Virginia, one a young boy. Irene caused four deaths in North Carolina, Governor Bev Perdue said. One man died of a heart attack while boarding up his house.

In New Smyrna Beach, Florida, a surfer riding large waves kicked up by Irene was killed, local media reported.

North Carolina Governor Perdue said there could be "a major hit" to tobacco crops, poultry and livestock in her state.

Summer vacationers fled beach towns and resort islands. More than 1 million people left the New Jersey shore, leaving the glitzy Atlantic City casinos dark and empty.

Shoppers stripped the supermarkets and hardware stores of food, water, flashlights, batteries and generators.

In Washington, the skies were dark in the late afternoon as winds picked up and torrential rain formed pools of water in streets. Traffic died down and only a small handful of tourists dressed in rain gear gathered outside the White House.

Obama cut his Martha's Vineyard vacation short by a day, returning to closely follow preparations for the hurricane.

Irene was the first hurricane to hit the U.S. mainland since Ike pounded Texas in 2008. Emergency workers were mindful of Hurricane Katrina, which swamped New Orleans, killed up to 1,800 people and caused $80 billion in damage in 2005.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the military stood ready to help. In Washington, Irene forced the postponement of a ceremony on Sunday to dedicate a new memorial to civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Tens of thousands of people, including Obama, had been expected to attend.

The District of Columbia gave out 7,000 sandbags for residents in low-lying areas to use in case of flooding.

Irene swept through the Caribbean as a Category 3 hurricane earlier in the week, bringing floods that killed one person in Puerto Rico and at least three in the Dominican Republic.

(Additional reporting by Joe Rauch and Jim Brumm in Wilmington, N.C.; Pascal Fletcher in Miami; Basil Katz and Jonathan Allen in New York; Susan Cornwell and John Crawley in Washington; and Michael Fitzpatrick in Long Branch, New Jersey; Writing by Jane Sutton and Pascal Fletcher; Editing by Eric Beech)


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Sunday, August 28, 2011

On Irene, Will Obama Fare Better than Bush? (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | When historians look back at what turned the national tide against President George W. Bush, they will say that while Democrats disliked his decision to invade Iraq (though Democrats were disinclined to like him in the first place), the thing that turned the nation against him was his handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Flash forward six years (to the week). Different president. Different storm. Different location. Same potential for utter devastation. What Irene lacks in force, she picks up in pathway. Whereas Katrina hit land with a head-on and devastating blow, that ultimately did more damage by breaking the levies designed to keep a city from flooding. Katrina's devastation, while complete, was isolated. Irene seems to be intent on ripping up the entirety of the north-eastern coast, including major cities such as Washington D.C., Boston, and New York City. The damage will be different, but likely still severe.

The politics are different too. Whereas Bush was largely popular before Katrina, which ruined his popularity to the point of a mere 29 percent job approval rating before he left office, President Barack Obama is fighting an ever-growing sentiment amongst dissenters in his own party that fear he lacks the "chops" to even suit up for the tough fights, much less fight them. Bush had everything to lose from how he handled Katrina. President Obama has everything to gain.

So will Obama fare better? That remains to be seen. It's unlikely that Eminem will pull a Kanye West and cry foul-that the president doesn't like white people. Nevertheless, the president's ability to present himself in a commanding role, taking charge of the aftermath could play a key role in re-establishing his credibility as a leader that the people can depend on in a crisis. I'd caution the president to tell anyone that they're doing a "heckuva job." Instead, this president would be wise to roll up his sleeves and be seen getting dirty pulling tree limbs off of grandmothers, demanding that a crew "check that house over there," and proving that he's not the sort of guy to sit in his palace eating grapes while all around him Rome burns.

This won't necessarily be a defining moment for President Obama as it was for George W. Bush. But if he chooses for it to be, (and if his handlers are smart) it could be. President Obama needs a leadership credibility boost. He clearly can't stand atop a pile of rubble after the storm and threaten whoever knocked the buildings down, but in the life of a presidency there exist very few opportunities to prove that leadership is more than a buzzword, and that caring extends beyond the grounds of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The storm is coming, whether the president likes it or not. It's not likely to ruin him, but if he plays his cards right, I suspect it might just serve to re-make him.


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Highest Home Jobs For Modern Home-based business owner | | Reviews ...

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The prospect to work in your own property based business is maybe one of the most gratifying work experiences. Just a few top home jobs that the modern entrepreneur should want to consider.

Possessing a part time job is maybe the best thing that might happen in your daily life. This changes your lifestyle to the highest level also in special way. It may also travels away from all the hassle that you will encounter which has a normal normal work out from your private home. Your expenses might possibly be impede and you simply still arrive at feel the comfort that your particular home brings, anytime of those day. So, every of those top home jobs which a modern entrepreneur like you should want to enter into.


Webmasters are Internet specialists liable for all the aspects of a Web site. If you feel as if i?m venturing inside this sort of job, after this you use a great future ahead of you. You could possibly assist businesses in areas like website designing, logo creation, graphic or banners design, e-commerce, internet hosting, internet web programming, marketing, scripts, security, mailing list management, copy writing, website maintenance, and many more choices other areas.

You are web master is not really a static job since most people see it as only sitting in front of those computer for countless of hours. The truth is, one of these job is very dynamic as it requires you flexibility, creativity and good managerial skills to tug off one of these position. Another beauty here is which it pays big, though youll function from your home or elsewhere you please.


This type of job would involve creation, production, and selling of data products. Unless you know what Information products are, these are basically goods that convey information to other gamers. They could can be found in the sort of booklets, books, audio cassettes, videos, compact disks (CDs), files, electronic books, private websites, databases, and the like.

However, the item here is you does not simply sell the products, and you must function as person to cause it to be yourself too! Hence, youll be creating you own book or instructional manual of a couple sort. The wonder here is that the Info products that youll be selling are unique, for several years were the only one who created it. Thus, you furthermore may get ownership and exclusive control over the products you are planning.

Instant Submitting

If you dont think that you encounter what it takes to construct your personal media and Informational products, then you could always settle with instant publishing. Being an instant publisher, you?ll be selling information products have been put together by someone else who may grant you reprint or perhaps resell rights. In most cases, self-publishers usually sell many to other gamers making sure that it could complement their original information products.

International Trading

This type of home job would involve importing and exporting. If youre not familiar with this, then importing is basically buying goods or services from vendors which might be overseas. On the other hand, exporting might possibly be selling goods or services persons which might be overseas. The silly part here is you arrive at do all your transactions on the Internet. The currency that youll be using would also usually be US Dollars, and that is a bonus in your part.

Just about anything could well be traded internationally, provided that such goods/services are legally accepted in each of participating countries. Or at least, then smuggling could well be a concern.

To learn more about working at home inside of a lucrative income generating business follow the link inside my resource box now.


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The web hosting industry definitely has generated a vast range of specialized niche markets over the years. Starting from shared hosting to dedicated hosting, and also all the hybrids in between them, every single form of web hosting service presents a unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

Searching for and investing in a trustworthy web hosting solution really is an essential decision. Regardless of whether you are carrying out online business, imparting important information or sharing insights online on a common interest, you will need a reliable web hosting service that will allow online visitors to explore your website easily. Seeking to identify a reliable web host could be a very complicated work particularly when there are actually so very many readily available these days and practically all of them assure one thing or other. For this reason, it is actually vital that before you decide to start, you conduct your own homework or research on the best web hosting service companies for selecting essentially the most suitable web hosting service firm for your website.

Choosing the most desirable hosting solution for your site is often difficult. You?ll find pretty much limitless options all clamoring to be the major hosts or maybe the least pricey service solution, and specifically can make it nearly impossible to picking out the one which perfectly suits your requirements. Web Hosting reviews detailing the solutions of many web hosting service plan providers can be found to help advise you in finding a web hosting service provider that suits your needs and that will offer quality service for the investment you make. actually is a well-established and respected web hosting database and hosting evaluation website which serves as one single reference for virtually all your web hosting service solutions and delivers all the Website Hosting reviews you will require.

Let us review the numerous web hosting services offered by many web hosting service providers.

1. Shared Web Hosting Service ? Cost Effective, Easy to Use and Feature Rich.

Whether you call it traditional, regular or normal hosting, shared hosting service is the most common web hosting service available on the market. In fact, a sizeable majority of the web sites you come across while browsing are operating on this particular type of platform.

Just as the name suggests, shared hosting is a service plan where you share disk space capacity, bandwidth and several network resources with many other paying customers. The framework of this particular product translates into a cost effective solution that?s normally easy to maintain for even the most novice of end users. Although the cost is normally affordable, these deals really don?t slack on power, as they arrive packed with an arsenal of useful functions. The economical benefit, convenience and trouble-free aspect renders shared web hosting a viable solution for almost all individuals and small businesses.

2. Dedicated Hosting Service ? The Ultimate in Control, Flexibility, and Accountability

Dedicated web hosting service is the distinct complete opposite of the shared kind. Rather than sharing the server with various other users, the equipment is devoted entirely to your web site needs. Considering the fact that you are not forced to share the resources available, dedicated hosting service can give you with a top-notch degree of control, flexibility and work performance. This actually is an arrangement in which you will be able to select your own OS, deploy your very own software application packages, and incorporate the security systems you feel will render the server with the best safety. It?s likewise a circumstance that will require you to have a certain skill set to administer and sustain the server. As opposed to shared web hosting, dedicated web hosting isn?t advised for the novice user.

3. Reseller Hosting ? Significant Profit Potential

Reseller web hosting service indeed has blossomed in recent years, imparting entrepreneurs and small business owners with an opportunity to profit from the growing web hosting arena. As a reseller, you pick up a service plan from a hosting service provider equipped with a specific volume of disk storage space, bandwidth and several other functions. This provides you with the ammunition you require to sell web hosting service plans to clients looking to create their presence online.

What precisely renders this type of arrangement so attractive is that you pay a set fee and have the opportunity to create sizeable revenue from your investment decision. When choosing a respectable web hosting service provider, a reseller account can work smoothly and transparently enough to offer you the presence of a large, well established company.

4. Managed Hosting Service ? Hassle-Free But Expensive

In its most common functional application, managed hosting pertains to the full servicing of a dedicated server. This particular service strives to relieve the intricacies and technical challenges of handling a web server. Though server management is the principal feature, several other choices range from web application and database management to supervision and in-depth assistance. Managed web hosting expert services are geared towards customers who lack the technical abilities necessary to deal with a dedicated server, and also those who don?t have the time in order to fully involve themselves in practically all the administration aspects. Even though cost effective under the ideal situation, the most important problem with managed hosting is its package price, as it?s actually considerably much more pricey than various other types of web web hosting service.

5. cPanel Web Hosting

cPanel hosting service refers to a web hosting service powered by the cPanel control panel. This particular software delivers an extensive web-based user interface that permits you to take care of your web site via a standard Internet browser. cPanel?s simple design and tremendous power provide the novice user the capacity to carry out the naturally difficult work of server management with substantial ease.

cPanel web hosting service solutions render everything you require to control practically all the facets of website administration, starting from establishing e-mail accounts and databases to handling files and installing software application packages on the server.

6. VPS Hosting ? Immense Power and Great Performance

A Virtual Private Server, or VPS, symbolizes a modern technology which is swiftly coming through in the web hosting business. A VPS is established by software that partitions one single physical server in order to establish multiple virtual servers within it. Often called virtualization, this process contributes to several isolated environments having the capability to execute a number of of the very same functions like an individual machine.

A VPS will deliver lot more assured resources, improved performance and safety as compared to your typical shared platform at a price that is basically much less expensive compared to a dedicated server. Having these kind of aspects in mind, many consider a VPS as a perfect compromise between shared and dedicated web hosting services.

Web hosting offerings are the key for any individual or business enterprise with aspirations of being successful online. As you can easily notice, there are actually several solutions to select from, and hence making a decision could be overwhelming. The great thing is that with a lot of enterprises on the market, you?re basically definite to arrive at a solution that completely caters to your needs. Visit for more information on Exchange hosting reviews.


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Behind Apple's products is longtime designer Ive (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO ? Steve Jobs has been Apple's most recognizable personality, but much of its cachet comes from its clean, inviting designs. For that, Apple can credit its head designer, Jonathan Ive.

Ive, a self-effacing 44-year-old Brit, helped Jobs bring Apple back from the brink of financial ruin with the whimsical iMac computer, whose original models came in bright colors at a time when bland shades dominated the PC world. He later helped transform Apple into a consumer electronics powerhouse and the envy of Silicon Valley with the iPod, the iPhone and, most recently, the iPad.

In the wake of Jobs' resignation as CEO, Apple must show that it can keep churning out head-turning products even without its charismatic leader. Apple's chief operating officer, Tim Cook, is now CEO, taking on the role of Apple's public face.

But in many ways the real pressure will fall on Ive to make sure Apple continues its string of gadget successes.

Ive, known to his friends as "Jony," has led Apple's design team since the mid-'90s. Working closely with Jobs, Ive has built a strong legacy at Apple, ushering in products that are sleek and stylish, with rounded corners, few buttons, brushed aluminum surfaces and plenty of slick glass.

Apple's pride in this work is evident even in the packaging: Open up any iPhone box, for example, and see Apple proudly proclaim, "Designed by Apple in California." Six of Ive's works, including the original iPod, are even part of the collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

People who have worked with Ive describe him as humble and sweet, quiet and shy, but also confident, hard-working and brilliant. Paola Antonelli, senior curator of architecture and design for MoMA, said she knows "hardly anybody that is so universally loved and admired" as Ive.

"Products have to be designed better now for people to buy them because of Jony Ive and Steve Jobs and Apple," Antonelli said. "All of a sudden people have gotten used to elegance and beauty, and there's no going back."

Design, as well as software that makes the gadgets easy to use, is a crucial part of setting Apple products apart from those of its rivals. Apple didn't make the first music player or smartphone, but it blew past rivals by making ones that looked cool and worked well.

Ive started out far from Apple Inc.'s Cupertino headquarters. He grew up outside London and studied design at Newcastle Polytechnic (now Northumbria University) in Newcastle, England. After finishing school, he co-founded a London-based design company called Tangerine. There, he designed a range of products including combs and power tools. It was through Tangerine that he first got to work with Apple.

In 1992, while Jobs was still in the midst of a 12-year exile from Apple, the company's design chief at the time, Robert Brunner, hired Ive as a senior designer. Thomas Meyerhoffer, who worked under Ive at Apple in the `90s, believes Ive came because he understood Apple was different from other computer companies.

"He came to Apple to take that even further," Meyerhoffer said.

And Ive did, but not right away. Ive quickly became a leader, working as the creative studio manager and helping to build Apple's design team during a period in which the company struggled to innovate.

Apple declined requests for an interview with Ive. But during a 1999 interview with The Associated Press, Ive said that for years, designers would produce foam models of computers only to be sent back to their drawing boards because of managers' fixations with focus groups and marketing figures.

"We lost our identity and looked to competition for leadership," Ive said at the time.

Brunner left in 1996 and suggested that Ive take over the post, even though Ive was only 29. When Jobs returned from his exile and became interim CEO in 1997, he named Ive as senior vice president of industrial design.

With Jobs again at the helm and Ive as his style guru, Apple refocused around design and produced a hit that got the company back on track. Apple shook up the personal computer industry in 1998 with the candy-colored all-in-one iMac desktop, the original models shaped like a futuristic TV.

Unlike previous product attempts, the iMac concept was immediately embraced by the top decision makers at Apple, and the design went through very few revisions.

"We knew we had it when we saw it, and with Jobs' support we were able to make it happen," Ive said in 1999.

At a time when most computers were boxy and largely black, beige or gray, the iMac was bulbous and flashy. People snapped up 150,000 of them in the first weekend following its release. Apple sold 800,000 iMacs by the end of the year.

The iMac changed the way consumers thought about personal computers and about Apple itself. It gave Apple a vital boost that helped it usher in a new era of consumer electronics that were quirky, fun and colorful. The marketing team even teased consumers by encouraging them at one point to collect all five ? strawberry, blueberry, grape, tangerine and lime.

With Ive in charge of design, Apple then bought out the first iPod in 2001, the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in 2010. In recent years, the company has largely dropped the bright color palette (though you can still find it on some iPods) in favor of black, white and silver hues. Yet they retained simplicity that made them approachable to everyone ? from the tech geek to Grandma ? as well as the curves, shiny surfaces and expensive appearance.

As a result, Apple's products are more popular than ever, allowing the company to surpass rival Microsoft Corp. last year as the most valuable technology company in the world.

"He wasn't responsible for them, but they definitely couldn't have done them without him," said Leander Kahney, who has written about Apple in several books and on his "Cult of Mac" blog.

Ive and Jobs have worked hand in hand and, in many respects, have contributed to each other's success. Ive has always been in contact with Jobs and speaks the same language as him, Antonelli said, and they clearly have chemistry.

Don Norman, who worked at Apple in the `90s as vice president of the company's advanced technology group, said that while Ive had good design ideas "sitting on the shelves," he needed Jobs to get those designs off the shelves.

"Jony has always been Jony ? brilliant," Norman said. "What he needed was a Steve Jobs to say, `Make this happen.'"

Now, the test will be whether Cook can continue to keep that focus at Apple and encourage Ive to continue creating hits.

In a sense, the challenge won't be as difficult as it had been in the 1990s. Now that Apple has developed a style, it can build on it rather than try to reimagine it with each new product.

And that, Norman says, is now in Apple's DNA.



Ive collection at MoMA:


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What To Look For Inside An Aromatherapy ... - Natural Health Treatment

Chicago is well know because of its city lights and sounds, and its wonderful spa destinations. The town contains busy people searching for a technique to relax and hang loose from a stressful workday. A Chicago Spa is a popular choice for many individuals, due to the reason that the ambiance is vitally relaxing, the work are versatile and the therapists are knowledgeable and hospitable. If you are considering visiting a spa in this region, be sure you ask about aromatherapy massage.

An aromatherapy massage involves two aspects ? a muscle-relaxing massage, and aromatherapy oils. Aromatherapy oils are created with concentrated plant oils which emit scents that can be stimulating or relaxing to the body. Whenever the oils are inhaled, the scents go back an area inside the brain popularly known as limbic system, which helps control appetite, emotions and hormones. Thus, these aromatherapy oils have got a direct effect in one?s stress levels, memory, mood, blood pressure and even digestion. As these oils? molecules are small enough to get absorbed because of the skin, in addition they have moisturizing properties.

A therapist will suggest some aromatherapy oils to make use of should you be clueless precisely what to have. She may base it on your needs. Including, do you require to unwind and relax? Will you be feeling stressed and agitated? Get you to been depressed lately? Are you looking for something to assist you to cleanse and decongest your body, after an illness, perhaps? There exists different oils for each concern.

Chamomile and lavender are popular for his or her calming and soothing properties. In addition they promote a good night?s sleep for people with insomnia. Individuals that desire a boost of energy plus a lift in his or her moods can benefit from ylang, ylang, rose, neroli and rosemary. Eucalyptus and tea tree oils are ideal for people with colds.

The massage is completed by pouring the gel that you pick done your system and it is particularly spread with long, firm strokes and circular motion. Final results are unbelievable. Visit a Chicago massages today, and obtain an aromatherapy massage with an instant feel-good moment.

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NASA Discovers Sweater Weather Star [Astronomy]

We knew about Star Latte CFBDSIR 1458 10b—a star so cold you could lick it—but NASA has now discovered an even colder star. So cold that you could wear a sweater if you were there. More »


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Friday, August 26, 2011

Detox For Weight Loss | Day Diet

Detox For Weight Loss

Colon cleansing is an unprecedented idea that?s the latest trend in fitness circles, and many people say it?s helped them tremendously. It is designed to purge waste matter inside, including mucous secretion and sputum as well as fecal residue. (Icky stuff for sure!)

By removing this uncalled-for waste matter from your body, it assists weight loss and also recharges each of every part of your body. If you suffer from a skin condition, cleansing works to remove all the unpurified things inside you, and will certainly clarify your skin problems and lighten your skin.

There are several variations of this plan acquirable, and those I advocate speak about the potential side effects of colon cleansing ? migraines, unbearable hungriness, and desiring to give it up. Likewise many of the guidebooks have a listing of healthy foods that don?t interfere with the colon cleansing process, and likewise how to downplay stress and discomfort it could perchance cause you? you must have this info! They also say you should only do the cleansing for 10 days, and maintaining the process for the entire 10 days is essential for positive effects, and improved feeling of health and well-being.

I have used cleansing, and found that for me it does work.

I finished up from it feeling thinner and more focused, and my skin looked striking. I dropped 6 pounds during the 10 day cleansing period, only still more important was the fact that during the month following, I lost another 12 pounds without really changing anything. I would also like to point out that my energy level was appreciably upgraded and it wasn?t such a chore for me to manage things anymore.

If you would like to read about cleansing, you can get the info I first read by clicking here.

Sammie Clemmons
Health and Fitness Expert
For more information about Cleansing?
Click Here

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Commercial Loan Workout Finance Management Is The Foundation

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If you have an enterprising nature as well as leadership qualities then you are the right person to become an entrepreneur. Every individual may or may not succeed in business. It is only when you have the ability to take risks and face challenges that you can become successful in business. You might find it easier to raise a large family than grow and establish a profitable business enterprise.To grow a business one needs to have a disciplined approach to managing finance as well as an acute sense to be able to sense opportunities that come your way.

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Keep reading for some valuable guidelines.

Finance is the backbone of any business big or small. If you are not able to have the cash flow managed professionally your business is bound to suffer. As a business owner and borrower you will need to be answerable to your other partners in business who happen to be the banks and financial institutions who will be? giving? you the loans. Before they disburse the loan to you, they would expect you to bring in y our share of the capital too. Depending upon your application and business plan they are likely to finance you through term loan and overdraft loan. With these two loans you can acquire building, capital equipments like plant and machinery and use overdraft for your operational expenses.

If you think that setting up a new business and stabilizing is a challenge, wait till you get there. Business too is like a living entity. The business can grow or die but not remain stagnant. With the stabilizing of business operations comes the phase where you begin to start planning for the next phase of expansion or growth.Part of the additional financial resources can come from your internal accruals. If you want to build surplus funds in your business you have got to have a finance professional managing your business operations. If not in the beginning, soonest possible you should engage a professional who can manage, control and monitor your funds and operations.Apart from internal accruals, you will need to bring in some promoter?s share of capital too. The banks will take care of the rest of the finances.

If you are planning to approach a bank with a business growth proposal, you will need to have a water tight business case. You will really need to work hard on our business plan. The banks is likely to be favourable when it is able to see a growing sales orders in the pipeline. You would need to have a good credit rating too. All the repayments to the banks should be made in time and you should have a spotless record as the best debtor. The bank is likely to look at your sales performance records too. These are some of the key parameters that the bank would be interested in before accepting to extend credit to you.

The bank holds the prerogative to either extend more credit to you on the existing loan or sanction an additional new loan. In case of new loans the terms and conditions as well as rate of interest would be different too.Alternatively the bank might advise you to foreclose your existing loans and in turn sanction a new loan covering the old outstanding as well as your new requirement. If in case you are required to provide any security in the form of assets, you need not provide additional security if the loan is refinanced. ?? The new loan with have a new tenure and repayment keeping in mind your revised business projections.

The only factors that the banks would be interested in are seeing your record and past performance which should be impeccable for them to consider funding you.Besides your business performance, your leadership and personal conduct and credibility too matters when it comes to the bank?s decision to extend their financial exposure with you.

Your business empire can stand to be a success in the long run only when you have laid the foundation in terms of strong financial discipline.

Tags: Commercial Loan Workout, Commercial Mortgage Refinance, Commercial Refinance, Commercial Refinance Mortgage


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Obama gets vacation briefings on Hurricane Irene

(AP) ? The White House is urging people living in the path of Hurricane Irene to follow the advice and warning of state and local officials as the storm approaches.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest says President Barack Obama was briefed Wednesday on the latest developments. He says FEMA is also coordinating with state and local officials.

Hurricane Irene strengthened to a major Category 3 storm over the Bahamas on Wednesday. Evacuations began on a tiny barrier island off North Carolina as the storm moved toward the East Coast.

The storm could impact Martha's Vineyard, the island enclave off the Massachusetts coast where Obama is vacationing. The White House says there are no plans at this point to change Obama's scheduled Saturday return to Washington.

Associated Press


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

China media dismiss Pentagon "cock-and-bull" report (Reuters)

BEIJING (Reuters) ? China's state news agency on Thursday condemned a Pentagon report on China's growing military might, calling its account of Beijing's weapons modernization drive an alarmist "cock-and-bull story."

The Pentagon's annual assessment of China's military strength, which was released on Wednesday, said Beijing appeared to be on track to forge a modern military by 2020, a build-up that could destabilize the Asia-Pacific region.

The Chinese government has yet to give its official response, which is likely to be tersely dismissive, but the state-run Xinhua news agency made a starting shot.

"The allegation is an utterly cock-and-bull story about the Chinese military based on a wild guess and illogical reasoning," an English-language commentary published by Xinhua said.

"China, which has adhered to a defensive military policy, with its rising economic clout and sprawling commercial and strategic interests around the world, has every right to build a competent military," the commentary said.

The Pentagon's report was released days after U.S. Vice President Joe Biden finished a visit to China dominated by mutual vows of cooperation and goodwill. The annual quarrel over the Pentagon report could, at least briefly, dampen the upbeat tone set by Biden's visit, which focused on economic issues.

Fueled by China's booming economy, the People's Liberation Army's weapons upgrades in the past decade have exceeded many earlier U.S. forecasts. China's aircraft carrier program, cyber warfare capabilities and anti-satellite missiles have unsettled neighbors and Washington.

But China sees its military modernization as a rightful extension of its growing economic status, and it staunchly defends is military spending as defensive in nature.

The Pentagon flagged concerns about Beijing's widening military edge over Taiwan, the self-ruled island that China calls an illegitimate breakaway.

Despite "large quantities of antiquated hardware and a lack of operational experience," the U.S. report said the People's Liberation Army is closing the technological gap with modern military forces.

Xinhua called the Pentagon's conclusions "much ado about nothing," and said Chinese people thought it "baffling" that the U.S. could criticize China when its own military spending was 40 percent of the world's total in 2010.

China put its defense budget for 2011 at 601.1 billion yuan ($91.5 billion), up from 532.1 billion yuan last year, or a 12.7 percent increase. But many experts believe China's actual spending on the 2.3 million-strong PLA is far higher than what the government reports.

By comparison, the Pentagon rolled out a record base budget for fiscal year 2012 of $553 billion, up $22 billion from the level enacted for 2010.

Xinhua cited improving military ties between China and the U.S., a development it said should be embraced.

"The two countries should cherish their hard won improved bilateral ties, particularly the military relations, instead of blaming and smearing each other," the news agency said.

(Reporting by Michael Martina; Editing by Ken Wills and Alex Richardson)


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