Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just, God sometimes snobbish, they are doubly unlucky party.

North Carolina players attend to regret conceded just rushed to occupy a defensive position, cheap authentic jerseys,and the second half for six consecutive minutes without scoring in their career, which is very rare.

Each person's psychological heavy pressure, they will be overwhelmed by the pressure?

Georgetown is playing is relaxed, Roy the Habo Te rushed to the restricted area under the cover of the companion, retreated outside line to pass the ball inside again after shrinking the gap and taking advantage of the North Carolina defense, Karon Davies and pass the ball out, after Roy. Habo Te ball again staged his ugly kicking long-range "front of him was empty, but he still habitually knee kicks off .

The ball position, though ugly, but the result is wireless OK.

Lady Luck has apparently Georgetown waved pointers in mind, but also into the.

The 58:53, Georgetown person has points difference expanded to 5.

15:0, which is the second half of the two teams score comparison.

This even spectators Duke have some scratching their heads, and they never see North Carolina so useless side when Aggressive North Carolina also be labeled as such?

North Carolina ace minus 40 degrees feel apparently infected to the team, in addition to his other North Carolina even the courage to shoot not every offensive to him to finish, Coach Purses outlet, he suddenly found the feeling in one fell swoop situation is reversed, since the last season, he does not are doing this?

The 7th icy feel what will be restored, even God does not know.

Might Ge Feng is Dounong do not understand why it suddenly can not hit.

This case is quite rare in his career in the NBA playing field, a superstar game state no, this is a very normal thing, after all, the superstars are also human beings, they are also undulating state However, the field in the NCAA playoffs, anyone can not have this time, because this is a single-game elimination system, as long as the game is lost status, it is likely the entire season will be reimbursed.

So here, does not allow superstars errors at the crucial moment.

In North Carolina once again attack, all fans are tightly over his mouth, breathless watching every move of the field.

When Ge Feng shot in the same location with the same third ball, everyone's heart seemed to stop beating.

Go, go, go, go ....... This is the heartbeat of the people of North Carolina.

Not enter into, not into, not into ... This is the heartbeat of Georgetown.

North Carolina basketball shells in a basket neck again jump desperate fans burst into egg head buried in his knees, some fans could not help the pain uncontrollably.

No one to complain about the hit rate of the Ge Feng, after all, he almost single-handedly team brought to the height now, they are just in the complaint to God.

Are they once again fell at the foot of the Georgetown? Why happens Chi Feng Ge state low tide early does not ebb the doldrums it happens in the game?

Now points difference is not too great, they only pray stop goal, Georgetown University, in the next attack, waiting for the recovery of the feel of the North Carolina ace.

Just, God sometimes snobbish, they are doubly unlucky party.

North Carolina grew in decline, Georgetown University, grew in courage.

An offensive, Roy the Habo Te teammates pick and roll cover, drives to the basket again, this time he did not choose to pass, nike nfl jerseys, but go past Powell's defense dunk into the basket!

His dunk Ge Feng is so elegant, but the full force of Bode Georgetown fans bravado.

60:53, the situation is getting worse.

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When the moment of the ball in the air across all of North Carolina fans and closed his eyes, they are in prayer: go, be sure to enter ah ...

McCaw. Gillingham happily pray for his God: Do not forward, not forward ...

After the start of the second half, God is to the feet of his face, so he simply all wishes come true, if God continue to give him face, victory belongs to them.

Audience, there is only one person's mouth emerges a smile, Ouyang wild man.

Ge Feng, this series of actions, almost exactly the same and fame, "Ouyang wild arc, step back, rapid bounce suddenly shot in the body yet to rise to the highest point, and basketball glide trajectory and yet straight, and not so steep parabola.

The Ge Feng and Ouyang wild when they fought side by side, have carefully examined the shooting teammates characteristics, whether Ouyang wild fast straight long shots, Guan Zheng Valley skyhook, he vividly and Hit extraordinarily high rate.

It would have been for the game between the brothers, Feng Ge rarely use in the race, but this time, he was so nervous in the critical moment of the offensive way, what it means?

Means that he has to adjust the attitude, restore the all-conquering killer character.

Almost without looking, The Ouyang wild assured this ball will enter no doubt.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Exercising Your Way to Stress Management - Swede Network Forum

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with Stress Management.

Most people don?t know it but the best stress management that they can use is exercise. Aside from not having to spend money on buying products or buying cds for musical relaxation, exercising only requires a minimal amount of your time everyday.

In the world people live in, it is very hard not to be stressed. This is because almost all of the things?work, family, society, and relationships?can be stressors for an individual. Because of these conditions, stress has become an inevitable part of people?s daily living.

For some people, stress can be good because it gives them adrenaline rush. A sudden surge of stress can help them do things in their own accord, finish tasks ahead of time and achieve their goals within the given deadline. At times, stress even helps them to perform better and have a competitive but positive outlook in life.

But, not all people can turn stress into a positive energy. In fact, most people who get stressed suffer from a wide range of health and emotional problems as times go by. People?especially those who getting so much stress on the workplace?suffer from minor health problems such as insomnia or sleep disturbances, headaches and upset stomach. These eventually lead to difficulties in concentration in things, mood swings and irritability, low self-esteem and moral, and poor socialization with immediate family and friends.

This type of stress, if not managed properly, can lead to chronic health problems and conditions such as various cardiovascular diseases, several musculoskeletal conditions, and different levels of psychological disorders. So to avoid these, problems people should be thinking of ways to manage stress and live a healthy life.

Stress management through regular exercise

Truthfully, the only difference between you and Stress Management experts is time. If you?ll invest a little more time in reading, you?ll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to Stress Management.

For some people, there is no better way to manage stress than getting regular exercise. This is because exercise can reduce physical stress fast and can help people to feel good about themselves. Aside from reducing stress by relaxing tense muscles during stressful situations, exercise can offer a lot more benefits than people could ever imagine. More than being a good stress buster, exercise can help you to:

1. Improve the blood flow. Blood flow to the brain is very important for a person to think clearly. When you are doing exercise, additional sugars and oxygen are being brought to your brain, causing you to think effectively.

2. Release endorphins. The chemical called endorphins are responsible for giving a person a feeling of happiness and positive outlook in life. Despite all the stress brought by your surroundings, you can manage it as long as you have enough release of endorphins.

3. Have a fit body. Looking good and feeling good about one?s physical self help many people manage stress. This is because if a person feels he or she is beautiful, that person can take on anything thinking that no matter what happens.

4. Strengthens one of the most important of the body, the heart. If a person gets stressed, the major organ that is affected is the heart. So, to save the heart from any diseases and conditions brought by stress, exercise is a must to ensure that you will maintain a heart that has greater elasticity to pump out enough blood and oxygen to the body.

Indeed, exercise is a very effective technique in stress management. But before engaging into it, make sure that you are physically fit to endure strenuous physical activities. You can ensure that you are in good shape if you visit your doctor and have a general check up.

The doctor can tell you what will be your limitations and can even recommend an exercise program suitable for your needs.

About the Author
By Anders Eriksson, proud owner of this top ranked web hosting reseller site: GVO


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Two baby gorillas rescued in Congo

Luanne Cadd / Virunga National Park

A rescued 9-month-old gorilla is fed at Virunga National Park's Gorilla Orphan Sactuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

By Miguel Llanos, NBC News

Two orphaned baby gorillas rescued in Congo were being cared for Tuesday by national park staff who fear their plight might signal a new escalation of wildlife smuggling by rebel groups fighting each other and Congo's army.

"In the areas where rebel activity has escalated, poaching has also escalated," LuAnne Cadd, a spokeswoman for Virunga National Park, told NBC News.

It's not just gorillas, either. "Elephant poaching has increased in Virunga's central sector," Cadd said.

The rescued infants ? 4- and 9-month-old females???are Grauer's gorillas, a species also known as eastern lowland gorillas and closely related to the more famous mountain gorillas.

"Baby gorilla trafficking is terribly damaging for endangered gorilla populations because many members of the gorilla's family will probably have been killed to obtain the infant,"?Emmanuel de Merode, director of Virunga National Park, said in a statement.

As for Virunga's mountain gorillas, Cadd said it is not known how they're faring. "We haven't been able to monitor this area yet," she said.

Luanne Cadd / Virunga National Park

The 4-month-old gorilla rescued in the Democratic Republic of Congo opens wide for feeding time at Virunga National Park's Gorilla Orphan Sactuary.

The new rescues raises to 10 the number of Grauer's gorilla orphans confiscated in Congo over the last four years, Virunga National Park said.

The 9-month-old was turned over to Virunga on Sept. 13 by a local conservation group, which said it got the infant from an armed group.

The 4-month-old was rescued on Sept. 20 during a sting operation that led to the arrest of two men, who said they acquired the gorilla in an area where armed groups are vying for control over mines. Those men face trial and, possibly, a life sentence if convicted.?

NBC News reported last year how baby gorillas can demand tens of thousands of dollars on the international black market,.?

Aug. 8, 2011: A baby mountain gorilla is safe with Rwandan authorities after they rescued the endangered animal from poachers.'s Dara Brown reports.

The total population of Grauer's gorillas, which exist only in eastern Congo, is estimated at fewer than 4,000 ? down from an estimated 17,000 in 1995.

Protecting Virunga's wildlife has been deadly: 11 ?rangers were killed last year in armed confrontations, while so far this year one has been killed and several wounded.

Related: Baby gorilla on black market for $40,000 is rescued

For now, the infants will remain at Virunga's orphan gorilla sanctuary during a three-month quarantine period.

"The two gorillas showed some interest in each other when they first met," Cadd wrote in a Virunga blogpost, "but for the older gorilla, it seems as if she considers the younger one a competition for food and milk, often trying to grab the milk bottle or banana from the younger gorilla, and even throwing a tantrum once when she didn?t get a bottle too.

"The most likely plan" will be to move them to a Congo sanctuary that already has 13 Grauer's gorillas, Cadd said.

"There has been talk about releasing those gorillas into the wild eventually," she said, but added that "it's a bit controversial" due to the uncertainty of their fate back in the wild.

Oil a blessing or curse?
The rescues come as Congo announced that the?British firm SOCO has been authorized to explore for oil in Virunga National Park.

Declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in the 1970s, the park is the only place on Earth that boasts all three African great apes in addition to elephants, buffalo, hippos, antelopes, lions, leopards and smaller animals and birds.

The area includes Lake Edward, one of the Central African great lakes used by some 40,000 fishermen.?

Hydrocarbons Minister Crispin Atama Tabe?told The Associated Press that oil exploitation could help bring security to volatile east Congo.

Mining of the region's massive mineral riches, however, has had the opposite effect with armed groups vying for control.

Moreover, Congo's environment ministry last year suspended oil exploration in an area of Virunga where more than 200 gorillas live. Environment Minister Bavo Nsamputu said he was unable to comment on Monday's news as he had been abroad.

Park officials say Congo's Nature Conservation law protects national parks from any kind of exploitation. That persuaded the French oil group Total to promise last year that it would not exploit the one-third of its concession that falls in Virunga.

SOCO, with 58 percent of its concession in Virunga, argues the law allows "geological research for scientific purposes" and cites?
exemptions for "research work, such as sampling materials, digging, excavations, surveying, and all other work that may change the look of the land or vegetation."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Move From a For-Profit to Nonprofit ... - Women on Business


If you want to transition from a career in for-profit companies to non-profit organizations, then you need to prepare yourself mentally for the change you?ll see in your paycheck, environment, and more. Betsy Baker offers several tips to help you make the move successfully on Opportunity Knocks:


9-5 is not the norm in the non-profit world.

?Many nonprofits may start their workday later in the morning than corporate businesses but may very well be working into evening hours. There are special events, grant application deadlines, and other unusual circumstances that often lead to hours outside of 9-5.?


Physical surroundings can be very different in non-profit offices.

?Some executives making the switch are quite surprised by the frugality of a nonprofit.?


Working with other agencies is common practice.

?Folks coming from for-profit are often surprised at the amount of collaboration among nonprofits which would be viewed as competition in their business world.?

Experience and Knowledge

Business experience might be lacking at non-profit organizations but people who come from the for-profit sector have a lot to learn about the non-profit world, too.

?Every nonprofit can benefit by applying sound business principles to its operation. Some of these valuable skills include the ability to develop budgets, strategic planning, management, and the ability to lead others.?

Get the details: How to Make a Successful Career Transition From For-Profit to Nonprofit via


Article by Susan Gunelius

Susan Gunelius is a 20-year veteran of the marketing field and has authored ten books about marketing, branding, and social media. Her most recent books, 30-Minute Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing for Dummies, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to WordPress, are available now. Susan?s marketing-related articles can be found on,,,,,, and more. Susan is President & CEO of KeySplash Creative, Inc., a marketing communications company. She has worked in corporate marketing roles and through client relationships with AT&T, HSBC, Citibank, Intuit, The New York Times, Cox Communications, and many more large and small companies around the world. Susan also speaks about marketing, branding and social media at events around the world.

Susan has written 774 articles for!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Today's Internet is very effective factor in web world. mostly business owner is depend in favor of online business. every business or website the most important thing is the volume of web traffic and high rank the site.

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Market Press Release ? September 24, 2012 12:06 pm ? Today's Internet is very effective factor in web world. mostly business owner is depend in favor of online business. every business or website the most important thing is the volume of web traffic and high rank the site. it is the very useful thing for an online business. because the web traffic deciding factor for the profit or loss of the business. it is not easy to get high volume traffic of website in today's huge competition in the web world. In fact to increase the volume of visitors to a site it is essential to get a better ranking on the search engine result pages, and for that the most essential thing that is needed is to get the help of proper search engine optimization for the website.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

NASA sees Hurricane Lane punched in the eye

NASA sees Hurricane Lane punched in the eye [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Sep-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Powerful thunderstorms wrapped tightly around Hurricane Lane's center as it continued moving through the eastern Pacific Ocean. When NASA's Terra satellite passed over Lane it captured a close-up view of the storm and noticed that Lane's eye had become cloud-filled as if being punched in the eye. Nature is expected to fight Lane more and win over the next couple of days.

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument captured a close-up of Lane on Sept. 17 at 3:25 p.m. EDT when it was still a hurricane. In the image, Lane's eye appeared obscured by clouds as towering thunderstorms wrapped tightly around the center of circulation.

By Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 11 a.m. EDT, Lane weakened to a tropical storm. Lane's maximum sustained winds had fallen to 70 mph (110 kmh). It was centered about 1,170 miles (1,885 km) west of the southern tip of Baja California, near 20.1 North latitude and 127.9 West longitude. It was moving to the north near 9 mph (15 kmh) and is expected to turn to the northwest.

Those towering cloud tops surrounding Lane's entire eye had warmed on Tuesday, Sept. 18, indicating that they are not as high, and weaker.

Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center expect that Lane will be punched all over, not just "in the eye." There are two factors that are giving Lane a beating on Sept. 18 and 19, and those are cooler waters and increased wind shear. Lane is moving into an area where sea surface temperatures are colder than 22 Celsius (71.6 Fahrenheit), far below the 26.6C (80F) threshold needed for keeping a tropical cyclone alive. In addition, wind shear is forecast to increase from the southwest and pummel Lane at speeds of 25 knots (28.7 mph/46.3 kph), eventually "knocking it out." Lane is expected to become a remnant low pressure area by Wed., Sept. 19.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

NASA sees Hurricane Lane punched in the eye [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Sep-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Powerful thunderstorms wrapped tightly around Hurricane Lane's center as it continued moving through the eastern Pacific Ocean. When NASA's Terra satellite passed over Lane it captured a close-up view of the storm and noticed that Lane's eye had become cloud-filled as if being punched in the eye. Nature is expected to fight Lane more and win over the next couple of days.

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument captured a close-up of Lane on Sept. 17 at 3:25 p.m. EDT when it was still a hurricane. In the image, Lane's eye appeared obscured by clouds as towering thunderstorms wrapped tightly around the center of circulation.

By Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 11 a.m. EDT, Lane weakened to a tropical storm. Lane's maximum sustained winds had fallen to 70 mph (110 kmh). It was centered about 1,170 miles (1,885 km) west of the southern tip of Baja California, near 20.1 North latitude and 127.9 West longitude. It was moving to the north near 9 mph (15 kmh) and is expected to turn to the northwest.

Those towering cloud tops surrounding Lane's entire eye had warmed on Tuesday, Sept. 18, indicating that they are not as high, and weaker.

Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center expect that Lane will be punched all over, not just "in the eye." There are two factors that are giving Lane a beating on Sept. 18 and 19, and those are cooler waters and increased wind shear. Lane is moving into an area where sea surface temperatures are colder than 22 Celsius (71.6 Fahrenheit), far below the 26.6C (80F) threshold needed for keeping a tropical cyclone alive. In addition, wind shear is forecast to increase from the southwest and pummel Lane at speeds of 25 knots (28.7 mph/46.3 kph), eventually "knocking it out." Lane is expected to become a remnant low pressure area by Wed., Sept. 19.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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The information provided is exclusively for consumers? personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. This data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

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Move Canada is B2B focused and their marketing programs are primarily online. They're in search of soup-to-nuts interactive folks that like variety as projects can range from building applets that connect their core products, to building Facebook apps, to running dynamic email marketing campaigns.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Chemists develop nose-like array to 'smell' cancer

ScienceDaily (Sep. 13, 2012) ? In the fight against cancer, knowing the enemy's exact identity is crucial for diagnosis and treatment, especially in metastatic cancers, those that spread between organs and tissues. Now chemists led by Vincent Rotello at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a rapid, sensitive way to detect microscopic levels of many different metastatic cell types in living tissue.

Findings appear in the current issue of the journal ACS Nano.

In a pre-clinical non-small-cell lung cancer metastasis model in mice developed by Frank Jirik and colleagues at the University of Calgary, Rotello's team at UMass Amherst use a sensor array system of gold nanoparticles and proteins to "smell" different cancer types in much the same way our noses identify and remember different odors. The new work builds on Rotello and colleagues' earlier development of a "chemical nose" array of nanoparticles and polymers able to differentiate between normal cells and cancerous ones.

Rotello explains, "With this tool, we can now actually detect and identify metastasized tumor cells in living animal tissue rapidly and effectively using the 'nose' strategy. We were the first group to use this approach in cells, which is relatively straightforward. Now we've done it in tissues and organs, which are very much more complex. With this advance, we're much closer to the promise of a general diagnostic test."

Until now the standard method for precisely identifying cancer cells used a biological receptor approach, a protein binding to a cancer cell wall. Its major drawback is that one must know the appropriate receptor beforehand. Rotello and colleagues' breakthrough is to use an array of gold nanoparticle sensors plus green fluorescent protein (GFP) that activates in response to patterns in the proteins found in cancer cells within minutes, assigning a unique signature to each cancer.

The chemist says, "Smell 'A' generates a pattern in the nose, a unique set of activated receptors, and these are different for every smell we encounter. Smell 'B' has a different pattern. Your brain will instantly recognize each, even if the only time you ever smelled it was 40 years ago. In the same way, we can tune or teach our nanoparticle array to recognize many healthy tissues, so it can immediately recognize something that's even a little bit 'off,' that is, very subtly different from normal. It's like a 'check engine' light, and assigns a different pattern to each 'wrong' tissue. The sensitivity is exquisite, and very powerful."

For this work, the researchers took healthy tissue and mouse tumor samples and trained the nanoparticle-GFP sensor array to recognize them and the GFP to fluoresce in the presence of metastatic tissue. Metastases are differentiated from healthy tissue in a matter of minutes, providing a rapid and very general means of detecting and identifying cancer and potentially other diseases using minimally invasive microbiopsies.

"It's sensitive to really subtle differences," says Rotello. "Even though two cheeses may look the same, our noses can tell a nicely ripe one from a cheese that's a few days past tasting good. In the same way, once we train the sensor array we can identify whether a tissue sample is healthy or not and what kind of cancer it is with very high accuracy. The sensitivity is impressive from a sample of only about 2,000 cells, a microbiopsy that's less invasive for patients."

In addition to the high sensitivity, the authors point out, their sensor is able to differentiate between low (parental) and high (bone, adrenal, and ovary) metastases, as well as between site-specific cells such as breast, liver, lung and prostate cancers.

"Overall, this array-based sensing strategy presents the prospect of unbiased phenotype screening of tissue states arising from genetic variations and differentiation state." Their next step will be to test the new sensor array method in human tissue samples, the researchers say.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Subinoy Rana, Arvind K. Singla, Avinash Bajaj, S. Gokhan Elci, Oscar R. Miranda, Rubul Mout, Bo Yan, Frank R. Jirik, Vincent M. Rotello. Array-Based Sensing of Metastatic Cells and Tissues Using Nanoparticle?Fluorescent Protein Conjugates. ACS Nano, 2012; 120904094652003 DOI: 10.1021/nn302917e

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Moffitt researchers say race affect likelihood of finding suitable stem cell donor

Moffitt researchers say race affect likelihood of finding suitable stem cell donor [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 11-Sep-2012
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Contact: Kim Polacek
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center and colleagues have published a study describing the greater difficulty in finding matched, unrelated donors for non-Caucasian patients who are candidates for hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT).

The study appeared in the August issue of Bone Marrow Transplantation.

The success of HCT depends on finding cell donors who are closely matched genetically; as the degree of mismatching increases, the success of unrelated donor HCT falls accordingly. A patient's ideal donor is a genetically matched sibling.

The search for a perfectly matched donor for all groups takes time and affects the progression to transplantation. The National Marrow Donor Program estimates that the genetically matched donor rate is 90 percent for Caucasian patients, 70 percent for Hispanics and Asians, and 60 percent for those of African ancestry.

"Using unrelated adult donors to facilitate HCT has provided major opportunities for patients without a matched sibling donor. In fact, the rate of unrelated donors now exceeds the rate of related donor HCT," said Joseph Pidala, M.D., M.S., assistant member of Moffitt's Blood & Marrow Transplant Department and a member of the Immunology Program. "Using data available at Moffitt, we sought to describe the determinants of a successful, unrelated donor search and to explore the contribution of donor identification versus patient characteristics leading to successful transplantation outcome."

According to Pidala, many patients can achieve prolonged, condition-free survival after unrelated donor HCT. There is, however, a need to understand "modifiable factors" that limit access to unrelated donor HCT.

The researchers concluded that the difficulties in finding well-matched donors in some minority groups were likely related to the degree of genetic heterogeneity within those groups, as well as their underrepresentation in donor pools.

They concluded that when compared to Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans have greater difficulty in finding a suitably matched unrelated donor, and less likelihood of successfully reaching HCT. Other barriers to HCT include age and disease progression.

"This research speaks to the need for reducing the time from HCT consultation to donor identification and HCT," Pidala said. "Survival benefit for HCT is dependent upon finding a suitable donor in a timely manner and addressing modifiable barriers to reaching HCT."

"Our data are consistent with the expectation that if suitable unrelated donors could be more expeditiously identified, patient outcomes would improve, particularly for racial and ethnic minorities and for patients with better performance status," concluded Pidala and his colleagues. "Increased representation of ethnic minorities within unrelated donor registries will increase the likelihood of finding a suitable donor."


About Moffitt Cancer Center

Located in Tampa, Moffitt is one of only 41 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, a distinction that recognizes Moffitt's excellence in research, its contributions to clinical trials, prevention and cancer control. Since 1999, Moffitt has been listed in U.S. News & World Report as one of "America's Best Hospitals" for cancer. With more than 4,200 employees, Moffitt has an economic impact on the state of nearly $2 billion. For more information, visit, and follow the Moffitt momentum on Facebook, twitter and YouTube.

Media release by Florida Science Communications

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Moffitt researchers say race affect likelihood of finding suitable stem cell donor [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 11-Sep-2012
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Contact: Kim Polacek
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center and colleagues have published a study describing the greater difficulty in finding matched, unrelated donors for non-Caucasian patients who are candidates for hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT).

The study appeared in the August issue of Bone Marrow Transplantation.

The success of HCT depends on finding cell donors who are closely matched genetically; as the degree of mismatching increases, the success of unrelated donor HCT falls accordingly. A patient's ideal donor is a genetically matched sibling.

The search for a perfectly matched donor for all groups takes time and affects the progression to transplantation. The National Marrow Donor Program estimates that the genetically matched donor rate is 90 percent for Caucasian patients, 70 percent for Hispanics and Asians, and 60 percent for those of African ancestry.

"Using unrelated adult donors to facilitate HCT has provided major opportunities for patients without a matched sibling donor. In fact, the rate of unrelated donors now exceeds the rate of related donor HCT," said Joseph Pidala, M.D., M.S., assistant member of Moffitt's Blood & Marrow Transplant Department and a member of the Immunology Program. "Using data available at Moffitt, we sought to describe the determinants of a successful, unrelated donor search and to explore the contribution of donor identification versus patient characteristics leading to successful transplantation outcome."

According to Pidala, many patients can achieve prolonged, condition-free survival after unrelated donor HCT. There is, however, a need to understand "modifiable factors" that limit access to unrelated donor HCT.

The researchers concluded that the difficulties in finding well-matched donors in some minority groups were likely related to the degree of genetic heterogeneity within those groups, as well as their underrepresentation in donor pools.

They concluded that when compared to Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans have greater difficulty in finding a suitably matched unrelated donor, and less likelihood of successfully reaching HCT. Other barriers to HCT include age and disease progression.

"This research speaks to the need for reducing the time from HCT consultation to donor identification and HCT," Pidala said. "Survival benefit for HCT is dependent upon finding a suitable donor in a timely manner and addressing modifiable barriers to reaching HCT."

"Our data are consistent with the expectation that if suitable unrelated donors could be more expeditiously identified, patient outcomes would improve, particularly for racial and ethnic minorities and for patients with better performance status," concluded Pidala and his colleagues. "Increased representation of ethnic minorities within unrelated donor registries will increase the likelihood of finding a suitable donor."


About Moffitt Cancer Center

Located in Tampa, Moffitt is one of only 41 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, a distinction that recognizes Moffitt's excellence in research, its contributions to clinical trials, prevention and cancer control. Since 1999, Moffitt has been listed in U.S. News & World Report as one of "America's Best Hospitals" for cancer. With more than 4,200 employees, Moffitt has an economic impact on the state of nearly $2 billion. For more information, visit, and follow the Moffitt momentum on Facebook, twitter and YouTube.

Media release by Florida Science Communications

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Monday, September 10, 2012

A Stray Dog Wedding | Dee Galloway Dances With Words

Wedding #2 for the?long-time celibate lesbian who doesn?t believe in marriage!

Anne & Joe
Photo: Imanni Woods

Anne and Joe are members of Stray Dog, a popular bluegrass/folk band in Denver. You can hear them in a number of bars around town, and they?ve acquired a loyal following. Anne has one of the sweetest, clearest folk voices I?ve ever heard. Joe is a multi-talented musician who plays guitar, stand-up bass, and dobro in the band. They both also perform with me in?Southern Journey: Tribute to Alan Lomax, a folk/roots music ensemble. ?Anne and Joe started out as housemates, and lived happily and platonic lives together for a years, enjoying their shared love for music and dogs. They each told me (separately) that just it seems like they woke up one day and realized that they were more than friends. I understand that the clarifying conversation was quite awkward at first, since neither of them wanted to?jeopardize?the existing relationship by muddying the waters with love and sex.?Obviously, they managed to get through the conversation and make a successful adjustment to the nature of their relationship.

Sweet Petite Anne

Dobro Joe

Because their non-working lives are filled with music and performing, it isn?t surprising that they?ve asked practically every local performer they know to participate in their wedding. They picked the songs they want us to perform before and during the wedding, and of course, at the reception. It?s a vast and?eclectic?mix of bluegrass, folk, blues, jazz, and R&B, and we all can hardly wait to celebrate Anne and Joe?s?nuptials?at the end of the month.

Since theirs is a ?traditional marriage,? there is no controversy for Anne and Joe. But as long time LGBT allies, they were appalled and angered to hear about Dave and Charlie?s experience, sending a message of protest to the cake shop, and messages of support to the boys, and plan to visit their registry and pick out a lovely wedding gift ~ as soon as they get through their own wedding.

No, I haven?t changed my opinion that marriage is an outdated institution that has little or no meaning in our society. But I do believe in the love and commitment of my dear friends, so I?ll be there to support them and their relationships before, during, and after their weddings.



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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Red Cross head had 'positive' talks with Assad

GENEVA (AP) ? The new president of the Red Cross said Friday he held "positive" talks with Syria's president this week to gain access to detainees and free up deliveries of badly needed aid.

Peter Maurer, president of the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross, said his talks with Bashar Assad were "sober, to the point" and "clearly focused on humanitarian needs," such as releasing deliveries of food, medicine and other supplies to hundreds of thousands of people.

Maurer told reporters he also visited rural areas around Damascus where residents told him "horrific accounts of armed attacks" and left him shocked.

He said the accounts left him with no doubt that Syria is engulfed in civil war since "all features of armed conflict are unfolding in front of us."

Maurer, who just returned from a three-day visit, said the Red Cross assumes it has access to prison detainees based on Syria's obligations under international humanitarian law, but that Assad gave no firm promises of how that would be implemented.

Assad, he added, "expressed his readiness to address this issue."

Since the uprising began in March 2011, there have been tens of thousands of people detained in Syria, Maurer said, and "their basic rights must be upheld and they must be able to get in touch with their families."

Asked his impressions of Assad, Maurer, a veteran Swiss diplomat, declined to specify. But he said Assad and other ministers generally agreed on the need to reduce barriers to delivering aid.

At his first press conference at Red Cross headquarters since taking the helm of the Swiss-based organization, Maurer was asked what made him think Assad would honor commitments he makes.

"You have a saying in English: Proof of the pudding is in the eating," he replied.

At their meeting Assad asked "very detailed questions" that left Maurer convinced that "he is seriously interested in" trying to find solutions to the many challenges and problems, he said.

"The conflict is unfolding in a very different way in different parts of the country," Maurer said. "We are confronted with a new situation in a new context."

The Red Cross' assessment of the level of fighting, particularly that it is a civil war, has important legal and humanitarian ramifications because the group's role as overseer of the Geneva Conventions makes it is the arbiter of the rules of war.

That stature and its neutrality also lend it a unique role in the monitoring of prison conditions worldwide.

"The needs are growing while the violence is expanding," Maurer said. "Many men, women and children who could be saved are dying on a daily basis because they lack access to medical care."

Maurer said in answer to a reporter's question that the Red Cross was looking at ways of engaging similarly with the Syrian opposition, but that any such talks are made more difficult because of the fragmented nature of the armed anti-government groups.


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Friday, September 7, 2012

Managing Database Change | Data and Technology Today

Although a clich?, it is also true that change is the only constant in today?s complex business environment. An ever-changing market causes businesses to continually adapt. Businesses need to strive to meet customer expectations that are constantly changing, while sustaining revenue growth and profitability at the same time. To keep pace, businesses must constantly change and enhance products and services to meet and exceed the offerings of competitors.

And the individuals that comprise each and every business usually find it difficult to deal with change. This is so because change means we need to take on additional roles and responsibilities which inevitably makes our job more difficult. Our comfortable little status quo no longer exists. So we have to change, too ? either change aspects of our environment or our way of doing things.

There are many different aspects of managing change, particularly with respect to Information Technology. Each of the following are different facets of the ?change management? experience.

  • The physical environment or work place changes to accommodate more employees, fewer employees, or perhaps just different employees with new and different skill sets.
  • The organization changes where ?things? like processes or methodology have to adapt to facilitate a quicker pace for product and service delivery.
  • The network infrastructures changes to provide support for a growing, and perhaps geographically dispersed workforce.
  • Applications and systems change to do different things with existing data or to include more or different types of data.
  • The type and structure of data changes requiring modifications to the underlying database schemata to accommodate the new data.

Change is inevitable but necessary for business survival and success. So we better have solutions that enable us to better manage these inevitable changes.

Changing the Database

Most of today?s business information is managed within the context of a complex, computerized business application. Almost every type of information you can think of ? from customer information to vendor information to product specifications to payroll information ? is managed by computer. And, this information is dynamic, it is always changing. Businesses must prepare to handle the challenge of managing and controlling their constantly changing information. To complicate matters, though, most businesses are further challenged by having a limited number of resources with which to tackle this growing mountain of information.

A DBMS is used to store the majority of today?s computerized data. So when that data changes, the databases used to store the data must also change. If the data is not reliable and available, the system does not serve the business, but instead, threatens the health of the business. So we need infallible techniques to manage database changes. But even more, we need techniques that are not just failproof, but are also automated, efficient, and easy to use.

Change Management Requirements

To successfully implement effective change management it is imperative to understand a set of basic requirements. The following factors needs to be incorporated into your change management discipline in order to ensure success: proactivity, intelligence, analyses (planning and impact), automation, standardization, reliability, predictability, and quick and efficient delivery.

Pro activity. Proactive change, which can eliminate future problems, is an organization?s most valuable type of change. The earlier in the development cycle that required changes can be identified and implemented, the lower the overall cost of the change will be.

Intelligence. When implementing a change, every aspect of the change needs to be examined because it could result in an unanticipated cost to the company. The impact of each change must be examined and incorporated into the change process. Because a simple change in one area may cause a complex change in another area. Intelligence in the change management process often requires a thorough analysis including an efficient and low-risk implementation plan. True intelligence also requires the development of a contingency plan should the change or set of changes not perform as projected.

Planning analysis. Planning maximizes the effectiveness of change. A well-planned change saves time. It is always easier to do it right the first time than to do it again after the first introduced change proved less than effective. An effective organization will have a thorough understanding of the impact of each change before allocating resources to implementing the change.

Impact analysis. Comprehensive impact and risk analysis allows the organization to look at the entire problem and examine the involved risk to determine the best course of action. A single change usually can be accomplished in many different ways. But the impact of each type of change may be considerably different. Some carry more risks: the risk of failure, the risk associated with a more difficult change, the risk of additional change being required, the risk of causing downtime, etc. All considerations are important when determining the best approach to implementing change.

Automation. With limited resources and a growing workload, automating a process serves to reduce the human-error factor and to eliminate more menial tasks from over burdened staff.

Standardization of procedure. Attrition, job promotions and job changes require organizations to standardize processes to meet continued productivity levels. An organized and thoroughly documented approach to completing a task reduces the learning curve, as well as training time.

Reliable and predictable process. When creating any deliverable, a business needs to know that all of the invested effort is not wasted. Because time is valuable, a high level of predictability will help to ensure continued success and profitability. Reliability and predictability are key factors in repeatedly producing a quality product.

Availability. Most changes require down time to implement the change. To change an application the application must come down. The same is true of databases. But high availability is required of most applications these days, especially for e-businesses. Reducing the amount of downtime required to make a change will increase application availability. And this is fast becoming a requirement in the Internet age.

Quick and efficient delivery. With most products and services there is a consumer demand for quick turnaround. Profitability is at its best when a product is first-to-market. Conversely, the cost of slow or inefficient delivery of products can be enormous. In the case of implementing change, faster is better.

The Change Management Perspective of a DBA

The DBA is the custodian of database changes. Usually, the DBA is not the one to request a change; that is typically done by the application owner or business user.? But there are times, too, when the DBA will request changes, for example, to address performance reasons or to utilize new features or technologies. At any rate, regardless of who requests the change, the DBA is charged with carrying out the database changes.

To effectively make those changes, the DBA needs to consider each of the items discussed in the previous section: proactivity, intelligence, analyses (planning and impact), automation, standardization, reliability, predictability, and quick and efficient delivery. Without a robust, time-tested product that is designed to effect database changes, the DBA will encounter a very difficult job. Why?

Well, today?s major RDBMS products do not support fast and efficient database structure changes. Each RDBMS provides differing levels of support for making changes to its databases. But none easily supports every type of change that might be required. One quick example: most RDBMSs today do not enable a column to be added to the middle of an existing row. To do so, the table must be dropped and recreated with the new column in the middle. But what about the data? When the table is dropped the data is deleted, unless the DBA was wise enough to first unload the data. But what about the indexes on the table? Well, they were dropped when the table was dropped, so unless the DBA knows this and recreated the indexes too, performance will suffer. The same is true for database security ? when the table was dropped all security for the table was also dropped. And this is but one simple example. Other types of database change that are required from time to time include:

  • changing the name of a database, table, view, or column
  • modifying a stored procedure, trigger, or user-defined function
  • changing or adding relationships using referential integrity features
  • changing or adding database partitioning.
  • moving a table from one database, dbspace, or tablespace to another.
  • rearranging the order of column in a table.
  • changing a column?s data type or length.
  • adding or removing columns from a table.
  • changing the primary key without dropping and adding the primary key.
  • adding or removing columns from a view.
  • changing the SELECT statement on which a view is based.
  • changing the columns used for indexing.
  • changing the uniqueness specification of an index.
  • clustering the table data by a different index.
  • changing the order of an index (ascending or descending).

And this is a very incomplete listing. Adding to the dilemma is the fact that most organizations have at least two, and sometime more, copies of each database. At the very least, a test and production version will exist. But there may be multiple testing environments for example, to support simultaneous development, quality assurance, unit testing, and integration testing. And each database change will need to be made to each of these copies, as well as, eventually, the production copy. So, you can see how database change quickly can monopolize a DBA?s time.

The solution is to use an automated product to implement database change. The product will enable the DBA to focus on all of the issues of change management because it is built to understand not just the discipline of change management, but also the RDBMS in which the changes are to be made. This built in intelligence shifts the burden of ensuring that a change to a database object does not cause other implicit changes from the DBA to the tool. And once the change has been identified and implemented for one system, it can easily be deployed on other database copies with minimal, or perhaps no changes.

Another feature of a database change management product is analysis and planning. The impact of changes can be examined prior to implementing any change. This is an invaluable resource for ensuring safe and efficient database changes. This type of tool also uses automation to minimize the resources required to implement database change. Instead of writing a new, complex change script from scratch for each database change, the DBA can rely on the Change Manager to accomplish this. And application and database availability will be enhanced because the product will implement the change in the least intrusive, quickest manner possible.

All in all, a database change management product will improve availability, minimize errors, and speed up your time to market. And I think we all can relate to that!

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mosoro releases its Bluetooth LE sensors and SDK for VIP appcessory developers

Mosoro releases its Bluetooth LE sensors and SDK for VIP appcessory developers

Since we last heard about Mosoro's Lego-brick sized Bluetooth LE modules, they've changed their names, picked up another member and are now making their way to iOS app developers. The 3D-Motion's got an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, while the Enviro measures temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. New to the team is Proximity, useful for triggering location-based apps and tracking motion for creating alerts. All three rechargeable Bluetooth low energy sensors have "shake-to-wake" support, an RGB "glow-cap" for notifications and a humble programmable button. They are expected to hit retail in fall 2012, but "VIP" app developers can grab them now, as well as the SDK which simplifies iOS Bluetooth integration. Got the ideas and inclination to become one of Mosoro's "rock star app-developer partners?" Then go sign up on the website and see if you make the VIP grade.

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Mosoro releases its Bluetooth LE sensors and SDK for VIP appcessory developers originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 04 Sep 2012 21:09:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Military combat marks the brain

Regions involved in memory and attention changed after soldiers' deployment

Web edition : 7:18 pm

A single four-month deployment to Afghanistan is associated with brain changes and diminished attention, Dutch scientists report. Most changes went away a year and a half after returning from combat, suggesting that the brain can largely heal itself ? and that longer breaks between combat tours might be a good idea.

The study, which focused on healthy Dutch soldiers, reveals how the brain responds to stress outside of a laboratory, says clinical neuroscientist Rajita Sinha of the Yale University School of Medicine. ?It?s a nice way to start looking at natural high levels of stress we experience as humans,? she says.

Although the soldiers came back mentally and physically healthy, in Afghanistan they had fought, come under enemy fire and seen their fellow soldiers and civilians wounded or dead.

Researchers led by Guido van Wingen of the University of Amsterdam conducted brain scans while the soldiers performed a lab test that required them to hold several numbers in their memory simultaneously. Initially, the researchers found no brain differences between 33 soldiers who were about to be deployed for the first time and 26 who were still in training. Nor were there differences in a lab task that required intense concentration for several minutes. But the story changed after some soldiers experienced combat, the team reports online September 4 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

After their return, the soldiers went back to the lab for another round of brain scans. During the memory task, the post-deployment brain scans showed lower activity in the midbrain, a region known to be involved in working memory, compared with the brains before deployment.

What?s more, midbrain tissue showed signs of damage and weaker connections with another brain region, the prefrontal cortex. Together, the midbrain and prefrontal cortex are involved in working memory and attention, among other things.

Performance of soldiers who had experienced combat worsened on the attention task, which required participants to quickly and accurately identify groups of dots. After combat, soldiers made more errors. And the number of errors corresponded to some of the changes picked up by the brain scans ? the bigger the brain change, the worse the performance.

But most of these brain changes were not permanent, the team found. A year and a half later, all the measurements except for one ? the strength of the connection from the midbrain to the prefrontal cortex ? had reverted to what they were before combat. ?That was quite striking,? says van Wingen. ?The brain was able to recover from the adverse effects of stress.?

It?s not clear what a weakened midbrain-to-prefrontal cortex connection means, but it could render a person more susceptible to future stressors, van Wingen says. That result, along with the finding that the brain can reverse the changes given enough time to recover, may mean that soldiers ought to have longer periods of time between deployments, he says. Multiple stressful deployments in quick succession may prevent recovery.

Found in: Body & Brain


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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shadow Boxer Personal training Review - Circuitry Avalon ...


Posted on September 3rd, 2012

Circuitry Personal Training Studio is located in North Avalon on Careel Bay Road.? I have heard a lot about Circuitry over the years with a lot of colleagues and friends in the area training with the Big Guy? - Tom Warren and his team of personal trainers.

Tom's main philosophy in the training studio is the use of "progressive overload" technique. This is using an overload on muscles for three minutes within a circuit.? This technique firstly?takes time to establish a new clients existing level of fitness,? progressively overloads the client towards an increased level of health and fitness. I went in assuming I would be doing the stock standard 45 second circuit? and to my complete surprise it was three minutes on each station. I must admit it was on the hard side.

The following day I was sore in all of the areas in body which required the most maintenance.? He hit the spot and admittedly he knew he would.? There was a glint in his eye.?

Tom really caters to the need of the individual and moving each client to their desired needs. Injury and fitness levels are taken into consideration while training.Although the three minutes are hard he ensures it is not so hard you give up.

Tom is a very well known personal trainer with a large clientele ranging from, Grommets (12-16 Year olds), young fit and fabulous to the baby boomers.? He manages to change his approach and is adaptable to individual needs.?

The beauty of Circuitry is that it is not solely confined to the studio.? Tom makes the most of the Northern Beaches surroundings and manages to have jogging and outdoor training classes. His personal training sessions are always a variation of location to maintain the clients interest.

Circuitry is a great place to meet locals of the area and very quickly adore Tom's lovable larrikin personality.? It is a great place to meet people and he is engaging supportive and completely knowledgeable on nutrition, and sports science needs. His experience shines through at his studio.? I will go back again and have my Abbadabbas worked to the max!

Check him out on our Youtube Video.


Circuitry Training Studio

1/9 Careel Head Road, North Avalon. 2107.

9973 1255


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Monday, September 3, 2012

Video Marketing Infographic | Video Marketing, Social Media ...

?Online video?, a format ?traditionally? entailing short rather than long online clips, is the subject of Marketing?s latest infographic investigation.

The point that emerges most strongly out of our visualisation of comScore?s data is the rapid increase in the amount of video being consumed and the increase in the amount of time spent watching as more long form content moves online. These findings point to a future where connected TVs merge what is considered online video today and traditional broadcast television.

?more at?Infographic: Online video snapshot

With the omni-presence of smartphones and tablets these days, more and more of us are interacting with online marketing content in new and dynamic ways. One of the trends it?s becoming hard to ignore is the increasing power of video in online content marketing.


Research also shows that many marketers allocate video budgets based on a ?maturity curve,? meaning that more established platforms (including Internet and TV) get allocated more funds than newer channels (including connected TV and tablet), regardless of proven effectiveness.

If you?re a small-business owner, you can call your own shots and dedicate your video marketing funds to the growth areas likely to best connect with your target audience.

?more at?Time to Add Video to Your Content Marketing Strategy


Infographics are powerful tools for video marketing. Infographics put statistics into a practical and easily intelligible manner. We have compiled 11 video marketing, video production, and internet video info graphics in this video blog. We hope that you?re able to use these info graphics in your next video marketing and internet marketing campaigns.

  1. 2012 Q1 State of the Online Video Industry
  2. The Growth of Video Streaming
  3. Five Years in History of Online Video
  4. A Brief History of Digital Video
  5. How To Increase Your Video Viewership
  6. How BIG is Online Video?
  7. The Video Production Process
  8. The American Video Viewer
  9. The Ultimate Guide to Hosted Video SEO
  10. Why Clickthrough Rates Can?t Accurately Forecast Online Video Ad Success
  11. YouTube Killed TV


2012 Q1 State of the Online Video Industry


The Growth of Video Streaming


Five Years in History of Online Video


A Brief History of Digital Video

A Brief History of Digital Video


How To Increase Your Video Viewership

How To Increase Your Video Viewership


How BIG is Online Video?


The Video Production Process


The American Video Viewer

The American Video Viewer


Why Clickthrough Rates Can?t Accurately Forecast Online Video Ad Success

Why Clickthrough Rates Can't Accurately Forecast Online Video Ad Success

Why Clickthrough Rates Can't Accurately Forecast Online Video Ad Success

YouTube Killed TV



More reading

Tags: video marketing, Video Marketing Infographic

Category: Video marketing, Video Marketing Infographic


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