Saturday, July 23, 2011

Paul supporters form Super PAC (Politico)

Ron Paul supporters have formed a Super PAC to put more money and muscle behind the Texas congressman?s presidential campaign.

And for those who have already reached the $2,500 legal limit for contributions directly to his campaign, the unlimited contribution Revolution PAC will give Paul donors another avenue to help pour cash into his run.

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?There will be a significant amount of people who meet the contribution cap to the campaign, and we hope those people will use us as an overflow,? Revolution PAC president Gary Franchi told POLITICO.

The PAC didn?t specify any fundraising goals in announcing its formation Wednesday, but the goal is to make independent expenditures on TV, newspaper and billboard advertisements supporting Paul?s campaign.

?As grassroots supporters of Ron Paul, we?ve always sort of just acted on our own,? Franchi said. ?This is really more of a formalized way to solidify and execute grassroots support for the candidate.?

The new PAC comes as Paul is running a more serious campaign than in 2008, making significant early-state TV buys and an all-out organizing push ahead of next month?s critical Ames straw poll. Money is already coming in to the PAC, Franchi said, and he hopes that this will allow them to be active in Iowa ahead of that vote.

Mitt Romney and Rick Perry also have Super PACs formed specifically with the intention of helping their presidential campaign.

The latest example of Paul?s fervent supporters? transformation from the largely political neophytes of four years ago to people more schooled in conventional electoral politics, Revolution PAC was formed by over a dozen conservatives who have been active in Paul?s political orbit. They include Joe Becker, counsel to Paul?s 2008 campaign; Penny Langford Freeman, Paul?s former political director, and Thomas Woods, an author who?s 2009 book features a foreword by Paul and who has spoken at many of his events.

Super PACs have grown popular in recent months because they can accept unlimited corporate and union cash, but Franchi said Revolution PAC wouldn?t accept contributions from corporations not ?in tune with our values.?

CLARIFICATION: An earlier version of this article listed Jack Hunter as one of the organizers of the Revolution PAC, using information from the group. He has recently been hired by Paul?s campaign and cut his affiliation with the PAC.


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